Wednesday May 21st
8pm Est (5pm Pst)
“How a 49 year old, 300lb Guy Lost 70lbs, and kept it off using Only A Few Simple Hypnotic Suggestions… - Without Diets, Embarrassing Weigh-ins or Grueling Willpower”
(Peter Putnam, before and after losing over 70lbs using Program Yourself Thin)
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim's program
I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically“ - Peter Putnam, Walpole, NH
Here is How Hypnosis May Solve All of Your Weight Loss Problems
From the Desk of: Jim Katsoulis
Thursday, 11:37 AM
Dear Friend,
If you have always dreamed of a super, effective way to lose weight and keep it off using a method that is so easy that it works automatically without willpower then this will be the most exciting letter you will read.
Proven Before Thousands!
It Must Work For You!
I know of course that it’s almost impossible for you to believe, at this moment, that you can transform your body, be free of unhealthy habits and enjoy permanent change without going hungry or being restricted by diets using only a few Hypnotic suggestions…
…that you can easily lose weight, breathe easier, and smash through habitual obstacles as though you were brushing a fly off your forehead…
…that you can experience such overwhelming PERSONAL DRIVE AND ENERGY for life that will astonish your family and friends
I realize that these promises appear incredible to you at first glance but let me explain…
I don’t care whether you are 30 or 50 years old – man or woman – have tried every type of diet plan under the sun or failed every single time you have attempted to lose weight! It makes no difference how difficult it is for you to focus on getting healthy today… how poor your health is… how much a prisoner you are of crippling mental habits and behaviors…how tired you are of trying to lose weight, or keep it off!
I believe… scratch that… I know! That your mind is working today at only HALF its true power – simply because you have never been shown the right way to make it automatically work for you not against you.
I will change that!
But before we go into that…
Peter Putnam
Permanent Weight Loss Success Case
Here’s proof: Peter Putnam is one of thousands of clients who has taken advantage of the “Program Yourself Thin” program and seen incredible results.
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically “ - Peter Putnam, Walpole, NH
Being overweight most of his life, by his mid-thirties he had started to gain a large amount of weight to the point where by the age of 39 he was over 300lbs. He never really tried diet plans until several of the girls at his work suggested he try out “Weight Watchers”
Using that program for 3 years he was able to lose around 50lbs and then he says it just stopped working and he reverted back to his old habits.
He admits that it worked but it wasn’t best for long term results.
It was at this point he was recommended, to work with myself…
♦ With no diets to follow
♦ No guidelines to follow
♦ No weekly meetings
♦ And no embarrassing weigh-ins
Just using some simple Hypnosis techniques he automatically changed the habits and behaviors that you don’t think about... but are proven to be the main cause of why 95% of people fail at diets.
The results were outstanding, he dropped 70lbs permanently!
So Look… of course some well-known diets can help. There are plenty of stories of people who see dramatic weight loss results and turn their life around… That’s why they can continue to have people using them
But how long does it last before people automatically have the urge to revert back to their old habits and unhealthy ways of thinking?
Here is where the problem lies…
Peter had never dealt with the core habits and programming and so he naturally like most people reverted back to what he had always done.
Until he took “ Program Yourself Thin”
That is why this program is so effective,
The real secret to losing weight permanently is to deal with the underlying habits, behaviors and thinking that run on autopilot.
But first a warning:
Top 5 Reasons Diets Don't Work
#5: Diets Make You Feel Deprived
Diets focus on what you can't eat, and that naturally
the feelings of missing out on something.
#4: Your Mind Thinks of Diets as Temporary
Usually diets are seen as a change in behavior until a
amount of weight is lost. But what happens then?
# 3: Diets Are Really Easy to Fail At
Most diets require you follow the plan to the letter all
the time,
and when you slip it is really hard to start again.
#2: You Need Constant Willpower and Discipline
It is impossible to stay focused and motivated all
and that causes "slipping" or "falling off the wagon".
and the number one reason diets don't work...
#1: Diets are Boring.
Truth is, you really don’t need these diet companies anymore. Yes, they are enticing, yes; they create clever and convincing campaigns, fitness routines, products and books. Yes, they even give you a sense of hope through their products.
But they don’t give you long term results – without restrictive eating and requiring gruelling willpower
As for me, I got tired of it!
Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss
Success – FINALLY!
You see, I’ve been where you are… heck, there was a time when I was close to 200lbs and I felt horrible. I read the books, watched the infomercials, bought the exercise equipment, paid and attended over three thousand private weight loss sessions and joined many of the leading diet plans but I failed every single time.
Sure I lost some weight but I could never keep it off. Moreover, losing weight was like watching paint dry while gaining it back was faster than a speeding bullet.
Sound at all familiar?
It may be hard to believe when you look at me now in the photo below, but it is true. I was 50 pounds heavier than I should have been and 50 pounds heavier than I wanted to be. I dieted, worked out obsessively, and even starved myself, only to chase my tail back to where I started.
Jim Katsoulis, overweight before training with the creator of NLP
(Neuro-linguistic Programming), Richard Bandler.
Now Jim is a Master Hypnotist and certified Yoga Instructor.
Thankfully, in my search for an alternative solution I stumbled across Hypnosis and the work of the world’s leading NLP and Hypnotist... Richard Bandler, who through his trainers training taught me his closely guarded secrets on how you can literally “re-program” your mind so that you will automatically lose weight and keep it off.
Believe me I wouldn’t have tried this unless I thought it was critical, as I have to admit I was a little bit skeptical…But I was desperate and couldn’t imagine the embarrassment of buying Velcro shoes, loose fitting Walmart pants or needing assistance to get dressed.
I’m sure you can relate to that.
If I didn’t do something about it and fast..., I have no doubts today I would be suffering from serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems or even worse, dead.
Good news is… it was worth it!
Today I remain within 5 pounds of my natural weight and have permanently remained at that for the past 16 years.
Yes, no dieting, no embarrassing weigh-ins, no deprivation, no depression, no strict guidelines to follow and no grueling willpower are involved.
Here is What It’s All About
You Have Two Brains
Powerful Subconscious Suggestions
Let me explain what I mean. Everywhere we turn, our subconscious is being manipulated. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us to eat every time we feel good, bad, angry, depressed, etc.
This creates a condition known as the Endless Hunger. This is a hunger that never seems to go away no matter how much we eat. Why? Because, we get emotional satisfaction from food
Never mind all the other messages that tell us “What we should look like “
Now listen to this very carefully:
- Do you ever sit on the sofa and eat to "unwind and relax"?
- Do you ever get something to eat to take your mind off something?
- Do you ever eat because you were lonely or bored?
- Do you ever find yourself reaching for food without thinking?
Did eating really make you feel better in those situations, or after did you feel worse once guilt and frustration kicked in?
Now imagine that you could change your emotional responses to food.
Imagine NOT feeling drawn to certain foods, or not feeling the need to eat at certain times of the day but instead feel no desire. – Without going hungry.
Plus…Imagine having an intense craving for salad, or fruit when you would normally reach for junk food.
The trick is…
If you know how to program these emotional responses into your mind, then you will lose weight and you will control your weight... You will become the programmer instead of the programmed.
Program Yourself Thin will not only teach you how to create these new responses... and more importantly, show you how to KEEP THEM.
But it will do the programming for you!
And best of all, since this course is based on programming your mind and emotions, you won’t; feel those nagging cravings instead you'll feel satisfied and comfortable as you return to your natural healthy weight.
And I will prove it to you – risk free!
Now I can almost hear you thinking, “Can this really work?”
Yes, it true... I’ve been teaching these simple Hypnosis techniques for many years...
I personally was so relived and excited about dropping 50lbs applying them, that I decided to create this program to help other people like you achieve the same thing, and I have done so successfully for the past 6 years.
Here is how fast you can expect to get exciting results and here are examples of those…
![]() "I recently completed your Program Yourself Thin course, and I must say, I have had wonderful
results so far. I have lost almost 40 lbs, and now walk more or less regularly 2X a day; walking about 8 miles a day in two sessions (on top of taking Jujitsu 2X/week, yoga and a strength and stretch class). Had you told me 3 months ago I would be doing all this on a regular basis (or even once in awhile), I
would have told you you were NUTS. I have about 90 pounds to go to my goal weight, and can actually visualize myself finishing this .I have never been able to get all my ducks in a row for serious weight loss before this, and I am very pleased." "65 Pounds gone. This is how everyone is going to create the body they want. It makes so much sense. Just a few of the things I learned changed my entire life. Everyone should learn this stuff. It is amazing how much happier I am living the way I do now. I was at a point where I didn't know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I'm free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I've ever been on." ~ M Pellino, I'm glad to finally see something real about weight loss. It's been a long time coming and I hope you stick around for a long time to come. ~ PJ, "Amazing. 35 pounds in 3 months. The most success I've had ever, and the best part is that it was so easy. I've lost weight before, but it was always so stressful because I knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn't be able to keep up the diet and that it wouldn't last.This time it feels completely natural and automatic. I am literally a new person. I really do think, act, and respond like a thin person, which is amazing because I had been overweight since before I was a teenager. Your program made it so clear for me and I want you to know that it has changed my life." ~Anne, Jim, thanks for the regular updates - you're always dropping in some fresh ideas to keep me evolving on my health journey - it keeps me on my toes! ~ Heather, Jim, each week I learn something that makes it a little easier to 'grow' myself smaller! Thanks for the support! ~ Sharon, "Jim, I writing to keep up my part of our bargain. "Program Yourself Thin" has changed my life by 40 pounds. And this is coming from a total skeptic. I got to admit I didn't know if I believed at first, but I figured "what the hell, there's a guarantee", I'm so glad I did. Having this new body is great, but it is nothing compared to how I feel now. I used to be avoid going out because I felt no confidence, but now I just enjoy myself. It is so much better. And another thing that is so cool, is how people are always coming up to me and asking how I did it. The attention is really fun. Thank you, Jim" ~ Mark A, Thank you Jim for making this program. I'm happy to report that because of Program Yourself Thin I've never felt so much confidence in my body. I had trouble believing you at first that you could be fat and confident, but I could. And once I began feeling good about myself the weight came off easily and stayed off. 26 Pounds of it! Your approach to change is amazing because it's so easy and it's so effective. ~ Kathryn, Hi Jim, You couldn't imagine what I'm learning from you - not only your weight loss course, which is excellent - but also in the area of customer satisfaction! I must say that letting go of my old habits and beliefs is a totally new experience for me. I used the Atkins diet to lose weight, and what i did was totally counter productive. Now i don't even really like peanuts that much anymore. How's that for a change. Damn, i even have problems calling my old habits 'eating' now, as the word now has a totally new meaning for me since i started using your program So, long story short, thank you thank you thank you thank you! And thank you again! ~ Peter, It's not about the food, it's about what's going on in your head. Jim's programs get at what it really takes to change. The audio programs are a great investment you can use over and over to help yourself get and stay on track for better health. ~ Caryn, Right away, your methods have helped me achieve greater relaxation and better sleep. I find myself wanting salads and fruit and vegetables more and more and junk food less and less. Thanks! ~ L Houston, As one of your first clients I lost 45 lbs. that was three years ago. I can't begin to tell you how much of a difference it has made in my life. Much gratitude. ~ Janice, I have had so many a-ha moments from reading your e-zine! It always has helpful, practical ways to change the way I think about myself and food. Keep up the great work! - Alisa, As someone who tried everything I can tell you first hand that this is by far the best approach there is to losign weight for good. You know the coolest part is that I didn't lose a lot at first, but because of your course it didn't matter, and I continued eating well. And I'm now 38 pounds lighter! And have stayed at the same weight for the last year. Thank you Jim. ~ Teresa, I've struggled my whole life with weight. And for the first time I can say that I feel in control, not in a stressful willpower way, but in a natural way. And with this new approach I've lost 23 pounds! Thank you, Jim, your program really works. ~ Mike Grasso, The Program Yourself Thin course is really amazing and lives up to its promises. Having you, Jim, coaching and teaching weekly is really the key to success. Thanks so much and I look forward to continuing this process with you. ~ Angie, I'm down 17.5 pounds since I started your program. The ongoing support is very helpful. I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all. ~ Will, You give great insight and blow the sensationalists out of the water. With your information and support and my effort I've lost 50 pounds to date. My goal is getting closer, Thanks. ~ Anthony, "I've tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn't last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It's like it just happened automatically ~ Peter Putnam, |
Here is what you’re going to receive…
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Look at everything that's in this course:
A "Quick Start Guide Video" to act as your road map to the course- I want to make sure you get the most out of this course - in the least possible time. This guide will give you a solid plan and get you up to speed immediately.
Eight Audio Training Modules to take you step by step through the process of programming yourself thin - including Creating Your New Self Image, the Science of Personal Change, How to Eliminate Emotional Eating, and more. All classes come with notes for easy reference.
6 Specialized Self Hypnotic Programming Sessions - sit back, relax, and let me program your mind to automatically crave healthy food, enjoy exercise, speed up your metabolism, and more...
Training Videos - reinforce everything that you're learning with these weight loss training videos. Watch how quickly your body returns to its natural weight when you put the the ideas in these videos into action.
Expert Interviews - listen to top Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Experts share their most powerful strategies for getting the body of your dreams.
Class Summaries - when you're short on time listen to these 30 minute class reviews to get the most powerful techniques in the least amount of time.
With that in mind, here’s a
breakdown of the course…
The Eight Training Modules... |
The New Thin Me |
Bad Craving Eliminator |
Ultimate Relaxation |
Think, Act And Respond |
Motivation Auto-Pilot |
Successful Habit Reinforcer |
14 Weight Loss VideosLet these videos transform your thinking and
Designing Your |
How To Create |
How To
Pavlov's Weight
How To Eliminate
Self Hypnosis:
Your Dream BodyWhat is your dream body? Find out why having a clear idea of what you want is so important to your success. |
Don't Lose WeightFind out how your mind works and discover that will power is no match for your imagination. |
The Weight
Relaxing at the BeachFeel instant relaxation when you visualize yourself on a mini vacation and meditate with this calm and relaxing trip to a beautiful beach. |
Instant RelaxationStop... |
and these videos:
Think Yourself Thin
What Is Beauty?
A New Way To Think About Weight Loss
Creating a New Self Image
Keep Talking To Yourself
Bonus Ebooks
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EBOOK #1:Holistic Healing
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EBOOK #2:Insider Nutrition
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EBOOK #3:177 Ways To
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EBOOK #4:Change Your Mind
Expert Interviews
Once you know how to program your eating and exercise habits, we're going to have some experts in the fields of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health on the phone to answer your questions. Before every live interview, you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered by professionals in these fields.
“So what’s The Cost for
Incredible Hypnosis Weight Loss Program?”
Well, let’s do a fast comparison – last time I checked attending a seminar with Hypnotist Richard Bandler, would set you back over a $1,700 dollars for a 3 day event.
You could pay for another diet plan that requires you to attend meetings and embarrassing weigh-ins for around $50 a month. (Don’t get me started on those)
You could get locked into a contract and pay for a gym membership which is easily going to cost $50 to $75 a month of which you will probably only use a few times (that’s well over $600 for a year)
The cost of this entire program should be $1997. Considering this is priceless information you can’t get ANYWHERE else
In fact before I put together this program you could have hired me for a personal one-on-one training session which would have cost you $1997
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near those amounts or even my minimum hourly rate. In fact, because I want to help you, your total investment for the entire “Program Yourself Thin” program and the bonuses is just $97 (or 2 payments at only $47.50)
JUST ADDED: Special Payment Plan- 2 Payments of Only $47.50
Why am I selling it so low?
There are 2 reasons:
- I know I have created a program that has immense value. I want to make sure you get the benefits of what cost me a hefty training price and isn't available anywhere else – a program that is guaranteed to make you lose weight - and keep it off without grueling willpower or restrictive diets.
- I’m providing this program from an honest sense of service and desire to help you lose weight permanently. I worked hard to put together a comprehensive package that if you paid me for consultation time to learn this information you would be paying me several thousand dollars. $97 is a massive bargain!
Ultimately my mission here is to see as many people benefit from this material as I can. I want to give it to people who have decided they will USE IT.
I am hoping that’s YOU
7 FREE Incredible Bonuses For
Ordering by Midnight
But I have decided not to stop there. I want you to know that I have left no stone unturned.
So I have added these 7 fantastic bonuses that are unlocked to you when your order is placed before midnight today:
More Bonuses
JUST ADDED: Special Payment Plan- 2 Payments of Only $47.50
When you order Program Yourself Thin you are investing in a new mind and body for the rest of your life. I am always learning new information and techniques that make YOUR success easier.
And once you are a customer, every time there is an update, you will receive notice and have instant access to the new material. Remember I began this course 2 years ago when it was just 4 classes and it sold for $297.
All of those customers have received complete FREE access to all of the improved and expanded Courses and Bonuses. (and will continue to ((even for the experimental price)
Special Super Bonus #6:The PYT LIVE Weekly Training & Support ProgramWhen you order the Program Yourself Thin course today, you'll also get free 30 Day access to my Live Weekly Training and Support Program (a $27 Value)PYT Weekly Program OverviewGet coached and re-motivated every week with this cutting edge live program. Every week you're going to receive a video coaching lesson from me to help you create your dream body in the shortest time possible. Some sample lessons are... Controlling Your Appetite Naturally Strategies for Following Your Plan Effective Weight Loss Case Studies Dieting Myths Revealed and Destroyed Easy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipes Eating Well Around Family and Friends Creating a "Health Trance" Craving Elimination Tools Making Money with Your Weight Loss Ingredients that Burn Fat Techniques for Instant Stress Reduction Creating Fat Burning Workouts In addition to the weekly lessons, you're also going to get access to the LIVE weekly training and support calls, where you're going to get the chance to focus on what is working and what could be better. You'll be able to other students working one on one with me to find solutions to their challenges and you'll have the opportunity to get your own questions answered. IMPORTANT NOTE: This offer includes a Free 30 day trial membership to the Program Yourself Thin Weekly Training and Support Program. You'll be billed a low $27 per month after the first month to in the program. You can cancel at any time for any reason by emailing help@programyourselfthin.com |
Special Super Bonus #6:The Comfortable Yoga ProgramWhen you order the Program Yourself Thin course today,
Special Super Bonus #7:(only for the next 11 orders)
JUST ADDED: Special Payment Plan- 2 Payments of Only $47.50
Whew! That is a major package, isn’t it? Including those SEVEN incredible bonus items
Here is why you can feel confident that
you aren't risking a penny
Right now, you can access this entire Hypnosis program called “Program Yourself Thin” for just $97 (or 2 payments of $47.50). You don’t risk a penny. In fact, you can see everything for FREE, if you like… because you get a complete 100% money-back guarantee… no questions asked and no hassles… for a full 60 days. If you’re not blown away, just let me know and I will provide you with a fast refund. So you will have seen everything for free. That’s an outrageously generous offer that removes all risk from you.
Here is what you need to do next
Get the program and change your life!
Click on the “Add To Cart “button. After your order is received you will have access immediately to the entire program of “Videos, Training Classes, Hypnosis Sessions, E-books, MP3s and the incredible Bonus material” — you can start this program within the next 4 minutes, even if it’s 2 a.m. in the morning and you live anywhere in the world.
JUST ADDED: Special Payment Plan- 2 Payments of Only $47.50
You can do this. The proof is all over this site. Others did it, often with less motivation, more obstacles, and in a worse weight gain situation than you are today.
What you are about to finally discover is the secret of every successful and permanent weight loss achievement using Hypnosis.
It's your turn to get on the inside for a change.
You must hurry.
This is serious stuff, for people who are serious about experiencing immediate change.
This should not be a hard decision to make -- you have an incredibly rare opportunity here.
Order now, while you're thinking about it. And your story in weight loss success can begin right away.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jim Katsoulis, CHT, NLPP
Your Thin Coach
P.S. Remember, there’s absolutely no risk here. Access the program now and take full advantage of all the benefits. Take a full 60 days to make up your mind, no pressure at all. If you decide that this program is not for you we’ll refund your money. No questions asked.
P.P.S If you’re at all serious about how to lose weight permanently and excited to use a simple, proven Hypnosis program that doesn’t require restrictive diets, embarrassing weigh-ins or brute willpower but will provide you with immediate noticeable change then make sure you order right away. (I don’t know if I will keep it at this price, it’s a market test) So don’t put it off.
Again… no matter what your situation is now
Click on this link to get started:
JUST ADDED: Special Payment Plan- 2 Payments of Only $47.50
NOTE: Program Yourself Thin is a downloadable course consisting
of MP3’s
and PDF files. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to the
where you can begin the course immediately.