Secret Mental Techniques For
Fast, Permanent Weight Loss

New Body
Design Workshop

Free Ebook:
"177 Ways To
Burn Calories"

Register your spot on the webinar today and you'll receive this free gift... 
instant access to this eye-opening report: "177 Ways To Burn Calories"

In this book, you'll discover the most effective ways to burn calories easily 
and it's the perfect intro to the more advanced techniques you'll learn about on the live webinar.


Jim Katsoulis
Creator of
Program Yourself Thin

What You'll Discover On this Live Webinar:

  1. Powerful mental techniques that destroy cravings, explode your energy levels and help you master your weight once and for all.
  2. The one thing you can do in the NEXT TEN MINUTES to launch your metabolism and burn more calories at your computer than on a treadmill.
  3. How to RE-SET your "Internal Weight Thermostat" to the number you desire.