IMPORTANT WARNING: Once you leave this page you will never, ever see it again! Read on carefully...

Easily Drop 5 Pounds From Your Body Now (And As Much As You Want In The Future)... By Giving Up Dieting For This "Lifestyle Plan" Instead

Let me show you the step by step plan you can use to easily and naturally create a lifestyle that automatically sheds the excess weight and creates the dream body you've always wanted (without willpower)...

"Please read carefully to discover why getting this complete
lifestyle plan now will become so crucial to you later on..."
--Jim Katsoulis

Dear Friend,

CONGRATULATIONS! You've successfully signed up for your custom self hypnosis session for weight loss. You're going to get front row, VIP access every single week to the top hypnosis masters in the world and you can use the exact same breakthrough techniques they personally use to break through your old limitations and create the life you deserve!

I have no doubt this can and will be a life-changing experience for you.

Let’s face it, many of these experts charge over $1000 to speak
for an hour and you get access to ALL of them for FREE!

But, I need to tell you something...

What I'm going to tell you will be the difference between using the power of hypnosis and having the power of hypnosis used against you.

And the most important thing for you to remember is this:

You're very, very lucky you even came to this page.
And you should think very hard about leaving this page without getting the Secret Upgrade.


I'm Going to Level with You Here

OK, I'm about to speak to you with a level of honesty that no other Hypnotist has ever expressed to you before.

I'm about to remove the curtain and show you the true identity of the "Great Oz." You'll catch a glimpse and then it will be gone forever, so pay attention.

Before I explain what I mean, here's something you'll need to know about in order to understand the magnitude of what I'm about to offer you.

The L.A.S.H.K.
( Lost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge)

L.A.S.H.K. Membership Details
L.A.S.H.K. members will get access to:

• Instant & Permanent Download Access to The Lost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge. We've assembled the 9 best manuscripts of all time that teach the most powerful and dynamic hypnosis methods ever devised.

• The Lost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge (The L.A.S.H.K.) took multiple generations of Hypnotists decades to collect, digitize and re-format to give you what is simply the best collection of hypnosis training ever brought together in one location (physically or virtually).

• These secret texts have never been collected together in this way before, and are unlikely to ever be again.. They are scans of The Original Documents preserved in an everlasting digital form. The pages will never decay, and you will have extraordinary Hypnotic Power at your fingertips whenever you desire it for the rest of your life...

• The L.A.S.H.K. is so powerful that I cannot (in good conscience) reveal the names of the authors and their rare writings unless you are a L.A.S.H.K member. I don't want this information getting out to the masses - Due to the high-potency of these methods, it must be kept under lock and key for the good of all mankind.

• And ... Wait. You know what?

Let me just stop right there. The rest of the other features don't even hold a candle to the fact that you'll have 24-7 Permanent Lifetime Access to The L.A.S.H.K. filled with the most powerful hypnosis methods from The Best Hypnotists to ever live!

Is it worth it? Well, I'd say it is. As I write this I just got off the phone with friend and fellow hypnotist, Tellman Knudson and he said I should charge at least $597 for just this! He said, "With the level of Hypnosis Training in the L.A.S.H.K. , you'll give every one of your students a staggering advantage. As big as I suspect your event will become, those who get your L.A.S.H.K. membership should see the benefit for years to come."

OK, now that you know what L.A.S.H.K. membership gives you...

I'm going to give you one chance and
one chance only 
to get L.A.S.H.K. membership FREE for the rest of your life.

Why on earth would I do that?

I'll explain in a second. First, here's the offer. Again, you'll only see this once. I mean it - I won't show this to you again.

You Must Follow These 3 Steps Immediately
You Won't See This Offer Again - Ever

Step 1.
Purchase "The Secret Upgrade" below for $97 $47.

Just scroll to the bottom of this page, select "Add To Cart" and fill out the order form on the following page.

You'll instantly be informed of your purchase.

Step 2.
You're instantly given L.A.S.H.K. Membership for life.

I'll immediately upgrade you and you'll have download access to each of our hand-selected digitized hypnosis books. They are the most advanced and powerful Hypnotic Tactics ever devised by the human race and will serve you well for years to come if you apply their knowledge relentlessly.

Step 3.
I'll immediately email you the following additional bonuses:

These are some real industrial-strength hypnotic tools for your success.

"The Digital-Audio Hypnosis Library" (value: $8,225 if you were to hire each expert to speak individually)

Includes professionally recorded audio MP3 downloads of each of the Interviews along with the 11 Truth About Hypnosis Experts Including...

Dr. Joe Vitale (As seen in the movie The Secret)
Bill Harris, CEO of Centerpointe
Tom Nicoli (As seen on Dateline NBC weight-loss challenge)
Dr. Brian Alman (5 year apprentice of Milton Erickson)
Wendi Friesen (As seen on HBO and FOX)
Michael Lovitch, CEO of
Adam Eason (As seen on BBC)
Kenrick Cleveland, Creator of Max Persuasion
Steve Jones, developer of more than 3600 Hypnosis Programs
Keith Livingston, Chapter President of the P.B.H.
Tellman Knudson, CEO of Overcome Everything

• A FREE Month TRIAL to the Private Hypnosis Training Program (sells for $27, but worth about $200). You'll get FULL access to the weekly video lessons in the "members only" area.

Each week you'll receive a video lesson (with MP3 and transcript) teaching you the most effective Hypnosis, NLP and Psychological techniques for instantly taking control of your mind and creating massive positive change in all areas of your life.

You'll get weekly video lessons (along with MP3 and transcript) delivered right to your inbox where you'll also learn some of the best kept persuasion tactics for influencing others. (If you enjoy the program and want to remain a member, you'll be billed $27 monthly, and you can easily cancel at any time.)

Sample lessons are...

• What Is Hypnosis?
• How to Hypnotize Others
• Changing Your Habits
• Hypnosis Case Studies
• Brainwashing Case Studies
• Behind the Scenes of Stage Hypnosis
• Hypnosis and Goal Setting
• Hypnosis Tricks to Play
• How to Heal Traumas
• Hypnosis and Spiritual Experiences
• How to Bring Someone out of Trance

• How to Talk Like a Hypnotist
• Hypnotic Sex Secrets
• Covert Persuasion
•Hypnotic Persuasion Tools
• Hypnosis For Stress Reduction
• Hypnosis Weight Loss Secrets
• How to Choose a Good Hypnotist
• Mind Reading Secrets
• Making Money Using Hypnosis
• Mass Hypnosis Case Studies
• Hypnosis for Accelerated Learning

"Hypnotic Transcripts!" We had all of the audio trainings transcribed for those who prefer to learn by reading instead of listening. (Transcripts like these would normally sell for $197)

Let's Add it Up...
You buy the legendary "Secret Upgrade" from me right now
and you get ...

"The Digital-Audio Hypnosis Library" - $8,225
"1 Full Month Trial of Private HypnosisTraining Program" - $27
"Hypnotic Transcripts" (in PDF form) - $147
Lifetime L.A.S.H.K. Membership - $5,820
(value listed is for 5 years at $97 per month - It's actually worth much more)

Total Value:      $14,219

You get all of this for the low one-time price of The Secret Upgrade:
$97 $47
(includes a 60-day-money-back guarantee)...

but you must act right now - not tomorrow - not
next week - If you click away from this page this offer
will be gone forever because...

Why am I doing this?

Why would I turn down the opportunity to make several hundred extra dollars from you right now? (You'll never ever want a refund because you'll be love the access you get to this "lost training" so much, you'll probably make your living as a full-time hypnotist.)

It's simple: My real motivation for starting is not the money I'll make from the upgrades. No, the power of it for me is the same as it is for you - the power of the hypnosis itself!

I know that if I provide excellent training to the members then word will spread about how powerful hypnosis is and more people will discover how easy it is to take control of your mind and live the life you truly want to live.

The best way I know to do that is to get "The Digital-Audio Hypnosis Library and The L.A.S.H.K." into the hands of as many members as possible.

Why? That's simple, too. When you own "The Secret Upgrade" you'll:

1. Have access to the most powerful hypnosis tools & tactics in the world.
Make no mistake. Absolutely nothing holds a candle to this. With "The Digital Audio Hypnosis Library" you can listen to this high-level training again and again until the lessons are permanently burned into your subconscious mind... And you have the ability to call upon that knowledge at will to improve your life, and the lives of all the people around you. You'll be so taken with this material that you'll likely share hypnosis and with everyone you know.

I benefit and you benefit.

2. Be able to induce hypnosis quickly and easily.
If you're unable to use hypnosis to improve your life immediately, you won't want to use anymore, no matter how good the training is. "The Secret Upgrade" will allow you to dramatically increase your retention on everything you're about to learn AND truly "get it" on a far deeper level than you ever could simply by listening to the phone-calls alone. You'll want to go deeper and deeper with your knowledge of hypnosis, because you'll be getting obvious benefits from the training, starting immediately on day one. There's a very high chance that you'll want to come back time and time again for our advanced training courses. (Sorry, I can't tell you what those are yet, you're not a L.A.S.H.K. member.)

Again - I benefit and you benefit.

If you read nothing else, read this:

"The Secret Upgrade" is, without question, the best hypnosis product I have ever made in my life.

Is that hype?


It's a cold hard fact and anyone who has more sense than a pile of bricks and who owns "The Secret Upgrade" would agree as well.

This isn't the kind of hypno-junk you normally see people peddling on the Net. This is an honest-to-god life-changing tool.

It's changed the lives of my close friends and so many others. If I didn't feel so strongly about it, I wouldn't be telling you about it now.

The choice is now yours:

Yes! Please let me have L.A.S.H.K. Membership free for life and all of the above bonuses (valued at $14,219) just for purchasing "The Secret Upgrade." Please send me to the special "Digital-Audio Hypnosis Library" page immediately. I understand that I must complete this purchase right now. I also understand that "The Secret Upgrade" comes with an iron-clad money back guarantee, so I have absolutely no risk whatsoever.

Order Truth About Hypnosis LASHK

(If you already own The Digital-Audio Hypnosis Upgrade scroll to the bottom of this page*)

*Because of the way this is structured I can only offer these bonuses on new purchases of "The Digital-Audio Hypnosis Library." If you're an existing owner, I recommend buying another license to take advantage of this offer. You can give the additional license to a friend or family member,or you can raffle it off ...
It's definitely worth it considering the bonuses I'm offering you.

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