New Body Design Workshop


PYT Immersion 60 Day Coaching

Every day for the next 60 days you're going to receive a 3-5 minute coaching session that is going to reinforce the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that will make you thin.

First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan

Discover a complete lifestyle plan for creating the body, health and happiness

that you truly desire.

The 2 Day Detox Plan

Reset your metabolism, mindset and motivation with this easy to follow detox plan that will kickstart your success.

Weight Loss Self Hypnosis Library

Just sit back, relax and allow these sessions to transform your thinking, so that you can naturally create the body of your dreams.

The Elite Body Master Series

Fifteen of the world's top fitness experts share their most powerful fat burning, muscle building and body sculpting secrets so you can create the body or your dreams.

Comfortable Yoga Program

This is a gentle yoga program to create movement and comfort in your body, which will in turn promote the healthy changes you are making in your eating habits.

Bonuses Worth $2,084.00 yours FREE, when you order today!

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