The Program Yourself Thin System
This Is The Complete Online Training You'll Use To
Transform Your Body Over The Next 8 Weeks...
Fast Start Training:
The First Five Pounds Plan

Learn the 8 rituals that will give you the body, health and happiness you truly desire.
If you want to lose weight (and keep it off) you need to learn these 8 lifestyle rituals, eating and exercising are only 2 of them.
When you implement this plan into your life, you'll see the weight fall off, your energy explode and your entire quality of life improve dramatically.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Use this 2 minute breathing exercise to release any tension in your body and feel a deep sense of calm.
- Find out a simple trick for decreasing the hormones that make you hungry and simultaneously increases your motivation level.
- Start utilizing this habit to immediately feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.
Week 1:
The New Thin You

Have you ever felt like you keep sabotaging your own success?
Not any more. Dive into your unconscious and create a new self image that helps you achieve the things you've dreamed of for so long.
This whole program begins with you defining exactly who you are going to be and what you're going to look like. Successful weight loss is much more than just dropping pounds, it's about living a new life.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Design a new self image that helps you achieve your weight loss from the "inside-out"
- Learn how to install your new self image with a simple 2 step process.
- Start using the mental secret for thinking of yourself as a naturally slim and healthy person.
Week 2:
Transforming Your
3 Worst Habits

This has been described by many as the missing piece of the weight loss puzzle. Find out how to take control of your habits.
You'll be shocked when you see how natural it feels to eat well and you'll begin to realize how it's possible to change without using any willpower.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Replace harmful habits with new ones so that you can lose weight twice as fast.
- How to install new behaviors so you can focus on other things while you're dropping the weight.
- Master your habits so that you can return to your goal weight without having to rely on willpower.
Week 3:
The Motivation Machine

When you understand how to control your motivation, weight loss becomes simple.
You'll never have to wonder where your motivation went to after this module because you're going to gain control of the 6 driving forces that run your motivation.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Go through a 6 step process so that you can immediately increase your motivation.
- Discover the unconscious keys to getting yourself to really want to lose weight
- Feel inspired so that you can eat well without the struggle.
Week 4:
Program Yourself Thin

Most people are in the dark when it comes to knowing how to create change.
You will learn how to use the 2 parts of your mind to naturally change your behaviors so weight loss becomes automatic.
This makes it much easier to to succeed.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Learn how to take control of your mind so you can set your weight as easily as a thermostat.
- Discover how to use the "theater of the mind" technique to master your behaviors.
- Find out how to program your mind to crave healthy foods that make you thin naturally.
Week 5:
Ending Emotional Eating

If emotional eating didn't exist, weight loss would be much easier.
Learn what emotional eating really is and how to truly fill those emotional needs.
This is one of the most valuable sections of the course because you'll discover how to feel powerful and motivated regardless of your weight or situation.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Learn how to create positive, empowering emotions that make it easy to eat well
- Go through a simple process so you can feel the emotions you deserve
- Discover how to eliminate emotional eating so you can lose weight on auto-pilot
Week 6:
Thinking Yourself Thin

It is estimated that we are exposed to over 3,000 ads every day.
Learn the tricks that advertisers use to persuade us and take control of this powerful information to persuade yourself into craving things that are truly good for you.
With this information willpower becomes unnecessary because you automatically find yourself craving the things that make you thin.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Transform your internal dialog so that it is supporting you to succeed
- Discover the key thoughts that help you to permanently maintain your weight loss
- Eliminate the negative thoughts that have sabotaged you in the past so you can finally have the body you want
Week 7:
Strategies For Success

95% of dieters end up failing ultimately.
Unfortunately, these are the same people that most of us are learning how to lose weight from.
In this module, you're going to learn cutting edge strategies from people who have successfully transformed their bodies.
When you understand how to effectively control your cravings, eat well and exercise in a fun and enjoyable way, weight loss becomes automatic.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Discover the best strategies for preventing cravings so you don't need to fight them
- Learn a simple tactic for quickly getting back on track so you avoid any backsliding
- Utilize the most effective tricks that people who have permanently lost weight use so you don't waste time "reinventing the wheel"
Week 8:
Staying Thin

The most important skill in permanent weight loss is being able to get back on track.
You're going to understand that weight loss is a long term thing. And like anything that is long term there are going to be cycles of great strides and long plateau's
True success isn't an all or nothing thing. It's about being able to learn from your mistakes, so that they aren't repeated in the future. When you've done this enough times, weight loss becomes automatic.
In this module, you'll learn:
- Learn how to cement in your new behaviors so you never have to fights with your weight again
- The secret to avoiding temptations so you can easily maintain your new body
- The questions that keep you motivated in any situation so you can experience long term success
In addition to the core training program, you also get...
Eight Self Hypnosis Sessions...
- The New Thin Me
- Bad Craving Eliminator
- Ultimate Relaxation
- Think and Act Like A Thin Person
- Motivation Auto-Pilot
- Successful Habit Reinforcer
- Fire Up Your Metabolism
- Letting Go Of The Past
By The Time You Finish This Program You're
Going To Be A Lean, Mean Weight Loss Machine
Seriously, by the time you finish this program you're going to be a different person inside and out.
You won't just be forcing yourself to eat well.
You're going to change your cravings, master your habits and get your metabolism humming so you create the body of your dreams.
And the best part is you'll never have to diet again.
Here's What You Won't Be Getting
Now that you've seen what you will be getting with the Program Yourself Thin course, here's what you won't be getting:
- You won't be getting strict meal plans. After interviewing over 100 "naturally thin" people I found that strict eating regimens are absolutely unnecessary and actually prevent long term success.
- You won't be getting advice on how to suppress or ignore your appetite. Listen you're going to find that your appetite is your secret weapon to having a lean firm body. The last thing you want to do is to try and ignore it!
- You won't be learning how to keep yourself pumped up. I am going to teach you how to program your mind to eat well on auto-pilot. Imagine feeling stressed and still wanting fruit, what would your body look like then?
How Much Is A New, Lean, Sexy Body Worth To YOU?
Take a moment and imagine how your life would be different if you had the body you've always wanted. Would you feel happier, more excited and confident?
Would it improve the relationships in your life? Would you enjoy shopping for clothes more?
Would you feel sexier, more confident, more attractive?
It's all possible for you, by changing the way you think about food, exercise and ultimately yourself.
You'll have me, each and every week, to provide you with the most effective mental programming, motivation and support you need to stay on track.
Honestly, if you've already tried everything else and failed... that's why you need this system. You can't afford NOT to use it.
If you've tried diet after diet and workout routine after workout routine... that's even more of a reason you need to try something different.
Those things failed you because they won't work. You have to first change your thinking.
So What's The Bottom Line?
How Much Will This Cost?
Right now you're probably thinking "This sounds too good to be true. I'm sure it's going to cost me a lot of money".
Well, here's the thing...
Currently, my private session fee is $297 an hour. I've helped thousands of clients lose weight with this same exact information, and it's taken us almost 10 hours to cover everything.
Before this, the program, the only way that you could get access to this information was to enroll in one of my private weight loss programs for $3800.00.
And get this... it was still a great deal at that price.
After offering this course online for over 8 years I've figured out exactly what it takes for you to be able to create your dream body, and have continually improved this powerful weight loss system that has been proven to work to get incredible results.
But, with the advancement in technology I'm now able to offer the same level of training at a much more reasonable price.
Your investment in this life-changing program is now only $497.00 $297.00...
Time Sensitive Special Bonus:
8 Weeks Of LIVE Platinum Coaching Calls
When you order the Program Yourself Thin course today,
you'll also get my brand new yoga program (a $397.00/mo Value)
As part of this bootcamp for the next 8 weeks, you'll get access to the Live Weekly Platinum Coaching Calls on Tuesday nights at 7pm EST. Don't worry if you can't make that time because you can always ask questions before the call and replays are put up immediately after the call finishes.
You'll be able to work with me directly each week to master the powerful techniques and strategies you're going to discover in the program.
The best part is that you never have to leave your home to get this training and support.
And many people find the weekly calls hold them accountable to follow through on the new behaviors that cause rapid changes in how your body looks and feels.
It's also been prove to be helpful to be in a group where you can learn and grow not only from your weight loss, but also listening to how others overcome challenges.
Special Super Bonus #1:
The Daily Motivation Coaching System
When you order the Program Yourself Thin Course today,
you'll also get 60 days of daily motivation coaching (a $497 Value)
This by itself is worth the price of the whole program. Every day for the next 60 days you're going to receive a 3-5 minute coaching session that is going to reinforce the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that will make you thin.
Studies have conclusively proved that people learn best when they are exposed to information for short periods of time on a regular basis. You'll be amazed at how your thoughts and behaviors begin to change automatically. Every day for the next 2 months you'll get a 3-5 minutes audio coaching lesson that show you the following:
Week One
The Hypnotic Programming State
Who Are You?
Who Do You Want To Be?
A New Measurement of Success
The New Thin Me
It Can Happen
The Joy of Relaxation
Week Two
Language of Control
RAS (Reticular Activation System)
Theater of Your Mind
Stretching Your Imagination
Remembering How to Play
Role Models
Deep Relaxation
Week Three
Your Two Minds
How You Think
No Failure, Only Feedback
Have You Decided Yet?
Relax and Go To The Beach
Week Four
How Do You Want To Feel?
Emotional Mastery: Gratitude
Emotional Mastery: Confidence
Emotional Mastery: Excitement
Emotional Mastery: Success
Emotional Mastery: Energized
Emotional Mastery: Relaxation
Week Five
Emotional Mastery: Desire
Emotional Mastery: Patience
The Power of Pain
The Power of Pain: Boredom
The Power of Pain: Regret
Power State: Indifference
Just Let Go and Relax
Week Six
The Power of Pain: Overeating
Solution Oriented Thinking
Self Talk: Questions
Self Talk: Be Nice To Yourself
Self Talk: Speaking Confidently
Give Yourself A Hug
Take A Rest
Week One
Eat Like A Gourmet
Enjoyable Exercise
Pure Refreshing Water
Fresh Living Fruit
Energizing Salads
Vital Vegetables
Restful Relaxation
Week Eight
Motivation Control Pt. 1
Motivation Control Pt. 2
Eat What You Want
Your Results
Excuses and Reasons
The Ultimate Success Formula
The Beginning
Special Super Bonus #2:
The Comfortable Yoga Program
When you order the Program Yourself Thin course today,
you'll also get my brand new yoga program (a $197.00 Value)
Would you like to feel more comfortable? With this unique approach to yoga, anyone, regardless of age or ability can gain greater flexibility, strength and relaxation.
Yoga is something that is done, not learned. This means that regardless of experience you will enjoy this program. Comfortable Yoga differs from other styles of yoga because of its intent.
Within this style there is no need to get into uncomfortable positions and no need to waster your energy wondering if you're doing something correctly or if you should be more flexible.
Here the only question you need to answer is:
Am I comfortable? That is it.
This audio program will teach and guide you through a basic set of comfortable yoga moves designed to make your body feel better.
Get Started Now!
Full Payment
One Payment
$297 / one payment
Payment Plan
Two Payments
(1st one now, next in 30 days)
$157 / 2 payments

As Soon As You Complete Your Order...
Once you complete your order on our secure server you will be taken to a registration page where you'll enter your contact info and then you will be sent your access information so you can begin this course IMMEDIATELY.
That's all there is to it. Just go to the download page, begin listening, and start Programming Yourself Thin. Leave all the confusion behind and step into your new mind and body. Learn how to run your brain the way that you want to.
Each lesson is offered in video and mp3 format.
This course is digital. You can simply access it anytime online from your computer, tablet or phone. It can also be downloaded.
All the class notes and transcripts are in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on the computer screen, or print it out and put it into a notebook.
The first four weeks alone are easily worth that price by itself. If you remember what it feels to be happy with your body, you will surely agree.
And all that makes me almost embarrassed to tell you about...
8 Week No Risk Unconditional
100% Money-Back Guarantee:

After seeing so many men and women finally lose the weight they wanted... I'm confident you'll get similar results as well.
But since you don't know me personally, you may have some doubts whether this system can live up to my claims. And I completely understand that.
So please, let me take all the risk. Test this program out at my expense!
I'm confident you'll be thrilled with your results from using it. But you really have no way of knowing that yet, so I want to eliminate all worry for you...
Get this program now and try my proven techniques.
If, for any reason at all, you're not completely satisfied with what they've done for you, simply let me know within 8 weeks and you'll get a prompt and courteous refund.
Absolutely no questions asked. Period. That's more than a guarantee, that's a personal promise.
I guess what I'm saying is, don't decide now if this is for you. Just get it and try it out.
If it doesn't do everything I say... if you don't lose weight faster... if you don't stop craving unhealthy foods, if you're not eating better and healthier... if you don't feel like your life has totally changed for the better... just email me and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. Quickly and easily.
"I was at a point where I didn't know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I'm free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I've ever been on.""

I've struggled my whole life with weight. And for the first time I can say that I feel in control, not in a stressful willpower way, but in a natural way. And with this new approach I've lost 23 pounds! Thank you Jim, your program really works.
The Moment Success Starts
As you sit there reading this, think about the excitement you could feel, if you begin this new adventure now.
Imagine that next week you were 3 pounds lighter, in 2 weeks you're 5 pounds lighter? In a month 10 pounds lighter than you are now, would that feel like an adventure?
From studying hundreds of people who transformed their bodies right before my eyes, I know that success begins the instant you make a decision. Every single person who has become thin made a decision to become thin.
Make your decision now, and order because you risk absolutely nothing.
Here's the deal: Go ahead and preview the Program Yourself Thin course (that's over 12 information-packed hours!) without risking a single dime.
Your satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed. Go through this course with a fine tooth comb. Test the techniques, experiment with the programming sessions, and examine the information for the next 60 days.
If you don't love the course, then I want you to simply write and tell me. I'll send you a prompt, courteous, no questions asked 100% refund.
The guarantee is simple — you assume zero risk
BUT, if this complete course does what I say and allows you to sculpt your body into the perfect shape, than you have to promise me that you'll send before and after pictures, along with your story that I will use it to inspire others.
If You're Still Reading This
I Want To Tell You Something
The fact that you're still reading this is proof that you are on e of the few who are really ready for a change. If you're tired of struggling to create a lean thin body than you owe it to yourself to at least try Program Yourself Thin.
This course is not meant for everyone ( I made it that way on purpose). It is meant for a person who knows that you get results from taking the correct action, not from wishing.
If you are ready to act, this course will teach you step by step how to program yourself thin. But you must take the first step. You must take action and order this course.
You owe it to yourself to wake up tomorrow morning motivated and committed to making your new body a reality.
It can happen.
your friend and weight loss coach,

Jim Katsoulis
PS - This course has helped thousands of people finally take control of their bodies and it can help you. Please don't confuse Program Yourself Thin with any other weight loss programs.
This is a cutting-edge course not available anywhere else, that enables you to permanently create the body you want on autopilot in the shortest possible time.
When you decide that you want to own the course, please don't delay. As I mentioned earlier, once the limited copies are sold, the program will not be available for at least another 2 months.
PPS - Remember that you have absolutely NO RISK at all with our 100% guarantee. If you don't benefit from the Program Yourself Thin course, simply let us know for an instant no questions asked refund.
Get Started Now!
Full Payment
One Payment
$297 / one payment
Payment Plan
Two Payments
(1st one now, next in 30 days)
$157 / 2 payments

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
How is Program Yourself Thin different from all the other diet programs that are out there
What is format is this program in and how will I download it?
How quickly will I experience results from this program?
Is this program just going to hypnotize me to change?
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