How To Master Your Weight Once and For All
If you're reading this. Chances are good that you're over 40. And overweight.
If so, then you’re lucky to be reading this because I'm one of the few people who can actually help you with the weight (still working on the age thing).
I know you want to lose weight. You may even need to lose weight.
You think about it constantly. You’re obsessed with it.
But, the scale remains the same.
And if you think about it, it’s been the same story for years. You want to lose weight. You try to eat better or live healthier and sometimes it works for a little while.
But the moods, cravings, old habits always seem to return.
Along with the weight.
Even just getting started may feel impossible.
The big reason is because you’re smart. You’ve tried countless times to lose weight. A few times worked. For a little while. But the weight always returns.
And your unconscious mind knows this. It knows you can start a weight loss plan and maybe even get some results.
But it also knows you've never maintained it long term. So now that smart brain of yours says “why go through all the pain to end up in the same spot?”
Until you have a long term focus and strategy, your unconscious mind is going to keep you from getting motivated.
It doesn't want you to expend the energy. And it doesn't want you to go through the embarrassment and pain you feel when you lose the weight and then gain it back again.
This is a big part of why can't get started.
Your unconscious mind has “unplugged” your motivation because it’s protecting you.
It knows that trying the same plan that hasn’t worked the last 60 times or randomly picking some Monday to start eating perfect doesn't work.
You need a new plan. Before I tell you what that new plan is. Let’s talk about what you really want.
Weight loss is boring
Becoming sexier. More confident. Younger looking. Is not.
Make this about becoming the real you.
Powerful. Successful. Admired.
A role model. An example of what can be.
People will listen to you and seek your advice.
You'll experience more pleasure than you have in years.
You'll uncover strength you never knew existed.
You'll have adventures you never dreamed possible.
Life will be exciting. Life will be fun.
You'll wake up motivated. Eager to see what the day will bring.
You'll glide through your day. With grace and calm.
You'll run towards challenges and overcome them quickly.
You'll exude a fierce resolve that people will look up too.
People will be attracted to your youthful energy.
You'll have fun shopping for clothes. And love wearing them.
You'll smile when you see yourself in pictures.
You'll laugh more (and probably louder).
You'll love your body. It will be strong. Bursting with energy.
You'll move comfortably and have more stamina.
You'll walk with your head held high.
You'll be more attractive inside and out.
You'll act younger than your age.
You'll feel lighter.
Life will become easier.
Your body will feel strong. Bursting with energy.
You'll love looking at yourself in pictures.
Your relationships will fill you with love.
Life will be what you always wanted it to be.
You'll be happy. Full of joy.
You will love your body.
The transformation you're going to experience is life changing.
So let’s talk about how you can make this your reality.
A Real Plan
There are 3 steps you must take to master your weight once and for all.
Before I tell you the first thing. I want to ask you a question.
Assuming you lose the extra weight, how long do you want to keep it off?
Forever, right?
Stick with me here because this is really important.
Most people think their goal is to lose weight. It’s not.
Your real goal is to LIVE at your goal weight FOREVER.
A subtle difference. But a very important one. Because the strategy you use to lose weight quickly is very different from the one you use to lose weight forever.
And you need to understand this right from the beginning.
Because the first thing that will make your new plan completely different is that you’re going to focus on your maintenance from day one.
You’re going to customize a lifestyle plan you want to follow. One that lets you live at your ideal weight for the rest of your life.
Your lifestyle plan will consist of daily habits that give you energy, reduce unhealthy cravings, boost your moods, and keep your body running at an optimum level.
Your lifestyle plan will also include a custom meal plan. This is your eating habits. What you eat. When you eat. How much you eat.
The biggest problem with most diets is they expect you to follow their “one size fits all” plans.
The appeal of this is obvious. It’s easier to just have someone tell you what to eat.
But you are a unique, one of a kind person. And forcing yourself to follow a meal plan you hate or that doesn’t work for your body doesn’t make sense.
Having a custom meal plan built around you is your secret weapon to mastering your weight.
Imagine waking up and looking forward to all the food you were going to eat that day. Relaxed and calm because you knew it was easy to prepare. You loved the foods. And it kept you at your goal weight.
How amazing would that be? It’s the ultimate dream. But it doesn’t have to be a dream. It’s a reality for my clients.
Now knowing what to eat is an important part of mastering your weight. But it’s NOT the most important part.
Which brings us to the second thing you need to master your weight.
Before I share that with you. I want to draw your attention to something.
Why Diets Will Never Work For You
If you break down almost every weight loss plan or diet you’ll notice something very interesting.
While they seem different on the surface. They’re basically all telling you the exact same thing:
- What to eat
- What not to eat
- How much to eat
- And sometimes when to eat (intermittent fasting)
Notice anything important missing?
I’ll give you a hint.
If I had a book with the nutrition information of every food in it or a pill that made you super motivated to eat well. Which would be more helpful?
This gets to the core reason diets are never going to help you master your weight.
They only tell you WHAT to eat. They never show you HOW to get yourself to do it.
Put differently, you’re approaching weight loss as a food problem, when it’s actually a behavior problem.
Knowing what to do is NOT your main problem.
Knowing HOW to get yourself to do it consistently is.
You know enough right now about how you should eat and live to start losing weight. The problem is you can't get yourself to do it consistently.
And no diet is going to help you with that.
You may not realize it. But all your weight loss plans revolve around having an abundance of willpower.
You don’t know how to change your behaviors. You know how to force yourself to act differently for a little while.
But what happens when the willpower fades (and it always does)?
When you approach it as a food problem you’re always looking for a meal plan or philosophy that will magically make everything better.
When you approach it as a behavior problem you put your focus on the real problem. Figuring out how to get yourself to eat foods that maintain your ideal weight.
You can always learn more about nutrition. But the primary issue is how to influence your behavior more effectively.
Up until now, all you've had to change your behavior is willpower.
You’re bringing a dull, rusty knife to a gun fight if you think you can just change your behavior through willpower.
It hasn’t worked. And it isn’t going to work. The results prove this.
If you really want to master your weight you need to master your behavior.
The good news is there is a science to mastering your behavior that you’ve probably never learned despite all your weight loss attempts.
The ability to influence your behaviors is the missing piece to your weight loss puzzle.
When you can reduce your desire for fattening foods and boost your desire for nutritious, slimming foods weight loss becomes automatic.
When you can program in new healthy habits to replace the bad ones your body transforms naturally.
When you can turn up your motivation as easily as you turn up the volume on your radio good decisions flow out of you.
I’ll say it one last time.
You know enough about what you should and shouldn’t eat. Stop looking for magic diets.
You need to learn how to control your behaviors.
Which brings me to the third and potentially most important step in mastering your weight for good.
Before I tell it to you, let’s talk about mastery for a moment.
I want to remind you that losing weight is not enough for you anymore. That’s a crappy goal compared to wanting to master your weight. To be able to easily and enjoyably live at your goal weight for the rest of your life. To never have to stress about food or your body again.
This is what I want for you (and I hope what you want for yourself).
The Missing Piece of Your Weight Loss Puzzle
So if mastery is what you want. Let’s talk about the third thing you need include in your plan.
So if mastery is what you want. There is one more thing you must add to your plan.
More time. You have to extend your time frame.
If you step back and analyze your previous weight loss attempts. You’ll quickly realize you’ve focused solely on the short term. And if you don’t get results quickly, you quit.
Now this isn’t really your fault. We’ve all been conditioned to think about weight loss with an absurdly short time frame. Every weight loss marketing message you've seen in your life focuses you on how quickly you can get results.
Now quick results are great. But when quick results are the only thing that matter, you do extreme, unsustainable things.
Let me give an example to drive the point home.
Imagine you wanted to learn the piano.
Would you start by practicing 8 hours a day, 7 days a week until you reached your goal?
No. Because by the third day you wouldn't be able to move your hands, you wouldn't be able to concentrate and you'd be frustrated.
Basically you’d burn yourself out fast.
But isn't this exactly how you've approached weight loss?
Trying to change everything all at once? And then feeling like a failure if you couldn't?
You may not realize it, but you’ve been approaching weight loss like it’s an endurance test. You know those tests where they put you on a treadmill to see how long you can last. There’s no beating them. There’s just seeing how long you can go for.
And isn’t this how you think about diets. You’re always wondering how long you’re going to last on it. No concept of doing it for years. All the focus on losing the weight as fast as possible.
But isn’t your real goal to lose the weight for good?
For something as important as your weight, health and happiness you need to give yourself some more time.
What if you approached mastering your weight like you did college?
What if you gave yourself a year to master your weight once and for all. To learn. To make mistakes. To grow. To become the best version of you in the best version of your body.
You can’t just read a diet book or expect you're got it mastered. Just like you couldn't master the piano by reading a book.
True weight mastery is an in depth process. You have to understand psychology. Behavior. Emotional management. How your mind works. How your environment triggers you. How your thoughts influence you. How your self image controls your weight.
Basically, you need to transform yourself from the inside out.
We've been conditioned by weight loss marketing that your dream body is just a tip, trick or hack away.
But it isn't. Mastering your weight is like learning a language or a musical instrument. It requires practice, learning and commitment.
And until you recognize that and give it the time and energy it requires. Weight loss will always be a struggle.
In my 16 years of coaching people to master their weight I've seen one strategy work.
True commitment.
Join Me
There are no shortcuts. But there is a path.
You need a different approach.
One that will create different results.
If you’re still here reading, I want you to join my “Weight Mastery College”. That’s how I think of this program anyways.
Imagine if instead of just winging it with your weight loss. You actually made a strategic decision to commit a year to mastering all the areas that control your weight, once and for all.
Crazy I know. What’s crazier is that I’ve been looking around. And I’ve never even seen a weight loss program that was a year. As far as I know this is the only one (might be why 70% of the population is overweight).
And this is what the Thrive program will teach you. Yes we’ll cover nutrition. But the truth is you already know enough about what you should eat to lose weight. The problem is you can’t get yourself to do it long enough to get the results you want.
This program is going to help you master your eating.
You’ll eat less.
You’ll eat healthier.
And you’ll lose weight.
But the best part is you’ll do this automatically.
No calorie counting. Or strict willpower.
At first this idea of a year is shocking.
Why is it so important to commit to this for a year? Because each season. Each month affects you differently. Maybe you get sad in the Spring and start eating. Maybe the fall bums you out. Maybe you start anxiety eating around taxes.
In this program you’re actually going to have support.
You want to live at your goal weight. This program will show you how.
I can help you live at your goal weight forever. Notice I’m not saying I can help you lose weight. Losing weight is a means to an end. Yes you will lose weight. But your real goal is not to lose weight. It’s to live at your goal weight forever (so that you never have to lose weight again).
The Thrive Program will help you do this
Will This Work For You?
This isn’t for everyone.
I tell you this because I don’t want to waste your time. In a lot of ways this program is the complete opposite of every weight loss program you’ve ever seen.
So let me get all the potential sticking points out of the way up front.
If your main goal is to lose weight as fast as possible this isn't for you (you may like the HCG diet).
This is a one year program. It's a long term, strategic solution to mastering your weight.
It's like college for weight mastery.
If you don’t enjoy learning, this isn't for you. Because you're going to be learning a lot.
This is not an easy program. There is a lot of material. You're going to have to commit 1-2 hours a week to watching the trainings and at least 15 minutes a day to get incredible results.
If you don't have the time to commit right now, do not join. Just like you wouldn't get good results in college if you couldn't make the classes or study. The same applies here.
You are going to get frustrated and confused.
In this program you're going to learn new things. Learning new things is frustrating.
You will come out the other side a wiser person, but I want you to be prepared for it.
You may not lose weight right away. Or you may. This program is about permanent weight loss not instant weight loss.
You can’t be negative. If you join the program we’re going to be spending a lot of time together. You’re going to be frustrated and annoyed sometimes. Don’t take it out on me and the other members. Negativity is the fastest way to bring yourself and everyone else down.
You have to be solution oriented. You can’t obsess about all your problems. And you will have problems so this is crucial. I want you to come to me with your problems and challenges. But we’re going to focus exclusively on solving them.
I’m not going to tell you what to eat. You’re going to build a customized one of a kind plan for yourself. Based on your preferences, lifestyle and genetics. This can be frustrating. It’s easier to just have someone tell you what to do. But that almost never works. Trying to force yourself to follow a diet you hate is a waste of time.
Having an eating plan you enjoy and that works for your body is the key to living at your goal weight forever.
You're going to learn how to master your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
This will give you the ability to take control of your eating and lifestyle.
And that will allow you to live at your goal weight in a body that looks great. You’ll have energy. You’ll feel good.
This program will give you all the tools you need to live at your goal weight. However, it is up to you to use them.
You will start the program by implementing a healthy lifestyle. This serves as a rock solid foundation you're building your dream body on. It does not start by focusing on cutting calories.
The focus is not on short term results. It's on long term results.
Where will you be one year from now?
Stop looking for shortcuts and quick fixes. Commit yourself to mastering this area of your life.
You can do this.
Imagine how incredible it would feel to be free of the weight. Not just physically. But mentally and emotionally as well. To not have to think about it ever again.
To look in the mirror and be excited to show off how good you look.
To have the energy to play with kids or grandkids.
To have a comfortable body.
To feel proud of yourself.
You can quit any time you want. There are no contracts. However I would strongly suggest you make a year long commitment right at the start.
Because you’re going to have ups. But you’re also going to have downs. There is a good chance in the past when you have had downs you quit. You may find this is a recurring pattern for you.
It needs to change if you’re going to get the results you truly want.
Showing up when you don’t want to is the easiest and fastest way to break through to the next level.
I’m not going to listen to you complain every week. I’m not guaranteeing you’re goin
You're going to learn how to think differently.
You're going to learn how to feel differently.
You're going to learn how to behave differently.
And your body is going to look different.
This is your chance to do it different.
But what's worse is that you're probably trying to do this alone, which causes TWO big challenges.
First, you're going to have ups and downs. So, it's crucial that you have some support system in place for when the downs happen so you can get back on track as quickly as possible.
Second, if you don't have anyone around who has the body and health you want, then your journey is going to be much more difficult because you have to spend so much time and energy "reinventing the wheel" instead of just utilizing strategies that are already proven to work.
It's these two things I had in mind when I created the Program Yourself Thin Weekly Training & Support program.
This program is the result of my 15-years experience helping people lose weight. And it's the personal, weekly support that you need to help you succeed.
Introducing the Program Yourself Thin LIVE Weekly Training & Support Program.
It truly is your fast-track education in psychology and weight loss... COMBINED with personalized training with step-by-step techniques for overcoming food cravings and self-doubt.
Finally... you'll have a fail-safe way to lose weight, without experiencing all the resistance, willpower, and food cravings... so you can lose weight without restrictive diets or strenuous exercise.
Not only will you get live weekly trainings showing you cutting edge techniques for weight loss... you'll also get the support you need with the weekly group coaching call. Every week you're going to receive a video coaching lesson from me to help you create your dream body in the shortest time possible.
Better yet... these tactics are way more powerful than stuff you'd learn at Weight Watchers... AND you get to learn all of it from the comfort of your own home!
You don't have to leave your house and go to some 2-hour meeting.
Instead, you'll have me live, every Tuesday night, showing you the most effective strategies for creating the body of your dreams.
And you're going to get ONGOING weekly support to make sure you stay on track.
When you join The Thrive Program you'll receive:
Instead, you'll have me live, every Tuesday night, showing you the most effective strategies for creating the body of your dreams.
This program gives you everything you need to master your weight.
Course Syllabus
- Getting Started
- The First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan
- Laying Your Foundation
- Eating Less
- Cause & Effect
- Structure of Habits
- Habit Tracking
- Your Water Habit
- Your Sleep Habit
- Your Nourishment Habit
- Your Meditation, Relaxation, Breathing & Gratitude Habit
- Your Movement Habit
- Your 3 Worst Eating Habits
- The Structure of Habits
- The Habit Loop
- Prevention
- Remove, Reduce, Replace
- Reprogramming Your Mind
- Healing Your Body To Lose Weight
- The Biochemistry of Weight Loss
- The Most Nourishing Foods
- Anchor Days
- Mastering Your Mindset
- Making Weight Loss Easier
- Dealing With Challenges
- Learning From Mistakes
- 2 Subtle Fears That Prevent Weight Loss
- 5 Cognitive Biases That Affect Your Weight
- Self Hypnotic Programming
- Theater of the Mind
- Your Self Image
- Your State
- Your Internal Dialog
- 3 Dimensional Visualization
- Evaluating Yourself
- Motivation Machine
- 3 Phases of Weight Mastery
- Reducing Self Defeating Behaviors
- Using The Scale
- Auditing Your Calories
- Structuring Your Eating
- Intermittent Fasting
- When you feel like giving up
- Dealing with fear
- Feeling Happier
- Becoming More Patient
- Confidence
- Gratitude and Brag Book
- Relaxing Yourself Thin
- Power of Acceptance
- Your Vision
- Why it’s a mustManaging Expectations
- Multiplying Your Motivation ⇐ couldn’t find
- Solution Oriented Thinking
- Dealing With The Voices In Your Head
- Dream Setting
- Motivation Machine
- Habit Mastery
- Meal Planning
- Keystone Habits
- Miracle Morning Routine
- 2 Day Detox
- Appreciating Yourself
- 10 Instincts That Can Sabotage Weight Loss
- Dealing With Procrastination
- Indifference To Unhealthy Food
- Mindfulness To Deal With Cravings
- Practical Strategies
- Maintenance
- Re-Focusing and Re-Entry
- Practical Strates
- Dealing With Stress
- Reflection
Online Access
Get A Success Planner Mailed Each Month
Include One on One Coaching To Support Your Success
Customer Testimonials
"You can do this!"
The reason I'm so confident I can help you lose weight (and keep it off) is because I've seen it happen so many times.
Check out these stories from people who were struggling with their weight and what they did to turn it all around.
Stories like this are the reason I do this work, and I'm thankful to all of them for sharing their experiences with me about the successes they had using my Program Yourself Thin System.
I hope I get the chance to share your success story in the future.
Jim Katsoulis

Tracy Shares How She Got Into The Best Shape Of Her Life Using The Program Yourself Thin System
Carol Finally Takes Control of Her Weight!
Connie Dropped 18 pounds and Her Husband Reversed Type 2 Diabetes.
What problems were you hoping to solve when you ordered PYT?
"I had been at a sedentary desk job for several years, and my husband's health had drastically declined, so we no longer enjoyed our long bike rides or hiking, fishing, even walking at the lake. Stress was taking its toll on me.
As a result, I'd put on a good bit of weight that made me feel like my clothes were strangling me. I wanted to "resurface" to let my real self back out into the world. I wanted to show up as the confident, athletic, energized and happy person I was before I allowed circumstances overwhelm me."
What attracted you to the PYT program?
"I was attracted to the program's proclaimed benefits: To take control of my emotions and state-of-being by leveraging psychology, self-hypnosis and NLP to emerge as the person I envisioned myself to be."
What part of PYT did you find most useful - at least at the start?
"The First 5 LBS was a game-changer for me! Once I completed that, weight loss and controlling my food cravings became relatively easy, because I knew I had the power to shed excess weight."
What specific feature(s) do you enjoy most about PYT?
"I enjoy the easy steps of PYT that teach me how to control of my eating by feeling good about myself. I now have the ability to make healthy food choices, most of the time. I enjoy learning the mental tricks to keep me on track, the easy-to-understand reasoning behind my behaviors, the self-hypnosis patterns to use when needed, and the PYT focus on enjoying life."
What results have you achieved through the program?
"Actually, as I went through the program, it helped my husband, as well. Together we quickly learned to focus on enjoying tastier good-for-you foods and not craving salt, sugar and fat. He actually reversed his type 2 diabetes. I shed 18 pounds and am going to achieve my target weight before the end of 2019. My waist no longer curves out and my clothes fit more comfortably. Most importantly, I've learned to be aware of stress levels that can trigger cravings, enabling me to easily maintain a relaxed state of feeling good and more in control."
What was your biggest hesitation about ordering?
"I didn't hesitate. Once I reviewed the PYT approach and methodology, I knew it was the right program for me. It gave me the tools I needed to be in control and attain results."
If your best friend was on the fence about joining, what would you tell them?
"I would say, first off, that when you realize you're not where you want to be, DO something about it! Take care of yourself by signing up for PYT. The cost is minimal compared to potential psychological and medical costs of not changing your lifestyle. The PYT program is FUN, educational, supportive and puts you in charge. Come on in "you'll enjoy it!"
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 70 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically
- Peter Putnam, Walpole, NH
“I recently completed your Program Yourself Thin course, and I must say, I have had wonderful results so far. I have lost almost 40 lbs, and now walk more or less regularly 2X a day; walking about 8 miles a day in two sessions (on top of taking Jujitsu 2X/week, yoga and a strength and stretch class). Had you told me 3 months ago I would be doing all this on a regular basis (or even once in awhile), I would have told you you were NUTS. I have about 90 pounds to go to my goal weight, and can actually visualize myself finishing this .I have never been able to get all my ducks in a row for serious weight loss before this, and I am very pleased.”
- Tammy M
“65 Pounds gone. This is how everyone is going to create the body they want. It makes so much sense. Just a few of the things I learned changed my entire life. Everyone should learn this stuff. It is amazing how much happier I am living the way I do now. I was at a point where I didn’t know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I’m free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I’ve ever been on.”
-M Pellino, Montreal, Canada
“Amazing. 35 pounds in 3 months. The most success I’ve had ever, and the best part is that it was so easy. I’ve lost weight before, but it was always so stressful because I knew in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t be able to keep up the diet and that it wouldn’t last.This time it feels completely natural and automatic. I am literally a new person. I really do think, act, and respond like a thin person, which is amazing because I had been overweight since before I was a teenager. Your program made it so clear for me and I want you to know that it has changed my life.”
- Anne, La Jolla, CA
“Jim, I writing to keep up my part of our bargain. “Program Yourself Thin” has changed my life by 40 pounds. And this is coming from a total skeptic. I got to admit I didn’t know if I believed at first, but I figured “what the hell, there’s a guarantee”, I’m so glad I did. Having this new body is great, but it is nothing compared to how I feel now. I used to be avoid going out because I felt no confidence, but now I just enjoy myself. It is so much better. And another thing that is so cool, is how people are always coming up to me and asking how I did it. The attention is really fun. Thank you, Jim”
Mark A, Portland, OR
Thank you Jim for making this program. I’m happy to report that because of Program Yourself Thin I’ve never felt so much confidence in my body. I had trouble believing you at first that you could be fat and confident, but I could. And once I began feeling good about myself the weight came off easily and stayed off. 26 Pounds of it! Your approach to change is amazing because it’s so easy and it’s so effective.
- Kathryn, Baker, ID
Hi Jim, You couldn’t imagine what I’m learning from you – not only your weight loss course, which is excellent – but also in the area of customer satisfaction! I must say that letting go of my old habits and beliefs is a totally new experience for me. I used the Atkins diet to lose weight, and what i did was totally counter productive. Now i don’t even really like peanuts that much anymore. How’s that for a change. Damn, i even have problems calling my old habits ‘eating’ now, as the word now has a totally new meaning for me since i started using your program So, long story short, thank you thank you thank you thank you! And thank you again!
- Peter, Delft, Holland
As someone who tried everything I can tell you first hand that this is by far the best approach there is to losign weight for good. You know the coolest part is that I didn’t lose a lot at first, but because of your course it didn’t matter, and I continued eating well. And I’m now 38 pounds lighter! And have stayed at the same weight for the last year. Thank you Jim.
- Teresa, Burlington, VT
Finally A Real Solution That Gives You
The Training And Support You Need To Master Your Weight And Create The Health You Deserve
If you're ready to finally say goodbye to cravings and poor food choices that are holding you back from losing weight... I'm going to help you master weight loss techniques and strategies that WORK... along with some personal, hand-holding... all from the comfort of your home."
Dear friend,
If you're feeling frustrated or "stuck" trying to lose weight... and you can't figure out how to get yourself back on track... then this may be the most important letter you read.
Because losing weight is not easy.
You want to lose weight. You try to live healthier and sometimes it works for a little while.
But the moods, cravings and old habits always seem to creep back in.
To think you're just going to use willpower to fight against those forces is a very ineffective and short-sighted strategy.
But what's worse is that you're probably trying to do this alone, which causes TWO big challenges.
First, you're going to have ups and downs. So, it's crucial that you have some support system in place for when the downs happen so you can get back on track as quickly as possible.
Second, if you don't have anyone around who has the body and health you want, then your journey is going to be much more difficult because you have to spend so much time and energy "reinventing the wheel" instead of just utilizing strategies that are already proven to work.
It's these two things I had in mind when I created the Program Yourself Thin Weekly Training & Support program.
This program is the result of my 15-years experience helping people lose weight. And it's the personal, weekly support that you need to help you succeed.
Introducing the Program Yourself Thin LIVE Weekly Training & Support Program.
It truly is your fast-track education in psychology and weight loss... COMBINED with personalized training with step-by-step techniques for overcoming food cravings and self-doubt.
Finally... you'll have a fail-safe way to lose weight, without experiencing all the resistance, willpower, and food cravings... so you can lose weight without restrictive diets or strenuous exercise.
Not only will you get live weekly trainings showing you cutting edge techniques for weight loss... you'll also get the support you need with the weekly group coaching call. Every week you're going to receive a video coaching lesson from me to help you create your dream body in the shortest time possible.
Better yet... these tactics are way more powerful than stuff you'd learn at Weight Watchers... AND you get to learn all of it from the comfort of your own home!
You don't have to leave your house and go to some 2-hour meeting.
Instead, you'll have me live, every Tuesday night, showing you the most effective strategies for creating the body of your dreams.
And you're going to get ONGOING weekly support to make sure you stay on track.
With my Platinum Coaching Program you're going to finally experience the weight loss and health you're truly capable of achieving.
Finally, A Real Solution For You
The PYT Weekly Training & Support Program
Every Week You'll Receive the Following...
Live Weekly Training &
Group Coaching Session...
Every week there is a new live training and group coaching call teaching you cutting edge techniques for increasing motivation, dealing with cravings and mastering your weight.
You'll be able to work with me directly to get great results. And the best part is that you never have to leave your home to get this training and support.
Whether you're building on the momentum of a great week or learning a lesson form a shaky one, these calls are a great way to stay focused and motivated.
And many people find the weekly calls hold them accountable to follow through on the new behaviors that cause rapid changes in how your body looks and feels, and allow them to listen to and learn from the challenges and successes of others.

You'll Also Get Instant Access
To All of These Bonuses...
Self Hypnosis Session Library...
Transform your body with these powerful self hypnosis sessions. Take a deep breath, relax and program yourself to think, act and respond as the lean, healthy person you've always wanted to be.

Expert Interview Library...
Transform your body with these powerful self hypnosis sessions. Take a deep breath, relax and program yourself to think, act and respond as the lean, healthy person you've always wanted to be.

Health & Fitness Ebook Library...
Discover different approaches to getting in great shape and philosophies of becoming truly healthy in this Health & Fitness Ebook Library. Access is included in your membership and updated each month.

Special Bonus:
The First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan
Start Losing Weight Right Now
I'm going to show you a complete lifestyle plan for creating the body you want. If you want to lose weight (and keep it off) you need to learn the 8 components of a "thin" lifestyle. I'm going to teach them to you in this program.
Experience More Energy and Vitality
There are simple ways to become healthy. I believe the main reason people struggle to lose weight is because they make it too hard to succeed. You're going to discover the simple ways to naturally take control of your weight once and for all.
It's About More Than Food
You want to lose weight to feel better but your happiness is not just a physical measurement. You also need to do things that nurture your emotional, psychological and spiritual health and happiness. When you do this you'll find yourself wanting to make healthy choices.

Maintain Your Success Effortlessly
Wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about your weight or food again? To do that you need to create a new lifestyle that maintains your weight. Dieting is not a lifestyle, it's a band-aid. When you do that maintaining your weight becomes automatic.
Online Access
Get A Success Planner Mailed Each Month
Include One on One Coaching To Support Your Success

I'll Be with You Every
Step of the Way...

It's been shown... time and time again... that losing fat and achieving a healthy body weight is something most people can't do alone.
So don't feel ashamed that you've tried losing weight on your own and haven't succeeded.
I refuse to let you fail.
And here's why I know you can do this: What's worked for others who have successfully lost 20, 30, even 200 lbs... can also work for YOU.

Get the Support You
Need Now...

Stop trying to do this by yourself. Let me be your support system. The truth is you can't be perfect, you're going to make mistakes.
It's what you do after you make the mistake that dictates whether you succeed or fail. And having this program keeping you on track and focused is going to make all the difference in the world.

Achieve Almost Effortless Weight Loss
You'll master the thinking and habits that put your brain on auto-pilot, with the only possible destination being the body and the health of your dreams. Just listen and let these techniques guide you to the greatest possible change in the least amount of time!
This truly is the MISSING PIECE to the puzzle!
If you've already tried the diet and exercise route... but you weren't successful... you now know why!
You're going to change the way you think... the way you eat... and the way you look!
By following my program... thousands of women and men have LEARNED NEW EATING HABITS.
They literally retrained their minds and their habits!
They destroyed fat-causing food patterns that had kept them overweight for years.
They did it and you can do it too!And once you've done it, it will be practically impossible for you to eat in the same old way you're eating today!
The choice is now yours. You've tried the fad diets and miracle diets. You may have lost some weight. But you have gained it right back again!

What Makes This Different
From Anything Else You've Tried..
The real magic with this program is the weekly insights and motivation you get... all from the comfort of your home.
With this personal accountability, I refuse to let you fail.
The training will involve weekly video lessons and 24/7 access to the self hypnosis, ebook and expert interview library.
You're going to have all the commitment that you'd get from Weight Watchers... but this is going to be focusing on creating a PERMANENT change.
The problem with Weight Watchers is... it doesn't get to the root of the problem.
They try and change your habits... without changing your thoughts.
As a result, you have to rely on willpower. Who wants a life of counting points?
With my program... I'll give you WEEKLY ongoing support and effective mental and physical strategies for permanently losing weight.
We'll get to the root of the problem... how you think about food, exercise and yourself.
And when we bypass your conscious and reprogram your subconscious mind to crave healthy foods forever, the weight will start to melt off fast.

I'm So Confident This Program Will Help You
That I Guarantee It...
After seeing so many women and men finally lose the weight they wanted... I'm confident you'll get similar results as well.
But since you don't know me personally, you may have some doubts whether this system can live up to my claims. And I completely understand that.
So please, let me take all the risk.
I'm confident you'll be thrilled with your results from using it. But you really have no way of knowing that yet, so I want to eliminate all worry for you...
Get this program now and use my proven techniques because you're completely protected with my...

100% Money-Back Guarantee
If, for any reason at all, you're not completely satisfied with what they've done for you, simply let me know within 8 weeks and you'll get a prompt and courteous refund.
Absolutely no questions asked. Period. That's more than a guarantee, that's a personal promise.
I guess what I'm saying is, don't decide now if this is for you.
Just get it and try it out.
If it doesn't do everything I say... if you don't lose weight faster... if you don't stop craving unhealthy foods, if you're not eating better and healthier... if you don't feel like your life has totally changed for the better... just email me and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price.
Quickly and easily.
YES! I'm Ready To Get Started Today
Limited Time Offer
Regular Price: $97/month
Lock in Today's Special Price of just $47/month
As soon as you join you'll get instant access to the PYT Weekly Training & Support Member's Area. No Physical Products will be Mailed to you. You will be billed $47 today and then again monthly unless you cancel. No contract. Remain a member for as long as you like.
People Love This Program Because
It's So Effective and Simple to Use...

“I've dropped over 50 pounds and it's like it just happened automatically”
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 50 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically
Peter Putnam
- Walpole, NH
“I don't feel any deprivation at all...”
"I'm down 17.5 pounds since I started your program. The ongoing support is very helpful.
I don't feel any deprivation at all because I don't need to keep myself on a strict diet."
Sarah Williams
- Blue Springs, MO

“I had struggled with weight my whole life...”
I had struggled my whole life with weight. And for the first time I can say that I feel in control, not in a stressful willpower way, but in a natural way. And with this new approach I've lost 23 pounds!
Mary Pellino
- Santa Clara, CA
YES! I'm Ready To Get Started Today
Limited Time Offer

“It's not about the food, it's about what's going on in your head. Jim's program get's to the core of what it really takes to change, it has helped me so much.“
Caryn Simpson
Arlington, VA
Here's What You Get When You Order Today:
- Weekly training call teaching you the most powerful mental techniques for getting great results without struggling.
- Live group coaching call every week where you can work with me directly to help you master your weight.
- Complete access to the self hypnosis library so you can program yourself to automatically think, act and respond like a naturally thin person.
- Complete access to the Health & Fitness Ebook Library
Plus this Amazing Bonus...
- The First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan
All orders are 100% SAFE using our SECURE server
Have A Question? Here Are Some Answers...
Q. What do I get with this program?
A. Each week you’re going to have access to a live training call (you can access online or call in) minute video training (with mp3 and pdf version included) that is going to teach you a powerful technique for programming your mind to help you lose weight.
Lessons will cover everything you need to take control of your body once and for all.
Every Monday you’ll receive your new lesson and will have access to it in the members area where you can watch and rewatch all week.
As a member of the program you’ll also get access to monthly expert trainings and 24/7 access to the Ebook and Self Hypnosis Session Library
Q. How is Program Yourself Thin different from all the other diet programs that are out there?
A. Program Yourself Thin is different because it is not a diet. Diet’s are temporary, and the one thing I saw over and over again with people who successfully reduced their weight long term, is that they didn’t diet, they changed the way they thought, felt, and responded to food and exercise. This program is specifically designed to get you to think, act, and respond like a thin person.
Q. How quickly will I experience results from this program?
A. How quickly do you want to see results? There are a lot of factors at work here. First, and foremost, there’s your motivation level. If you’re “trying” to lose weight because your spouse has put you up to it, you’re not really all that motivated yourself? My advice there: just quit wasting your time and money and be honest. There’s no such thing as “trying to lose weight.” You’re either ready to transform your body or you’re not. If your motivation level is high, you’ll likely experience results very quickly. Your success will mirror the action that you take. If you master the information in this program you’ll find mastering your body easier than you ever thought possible.
Q. Can I cancel at any time?
A. Yes. You can cancel at any time for any reason, there is no long term contract or fees.
However you’re allowed to remain in the program for as long as you find it useful.
Many members remain in the program even after their weight loss goals have been achieved because it keeps them focused and they’re always learning new tools they can use to effortlessly maintain their results.
Q. is this program just going to hypnotize me to change?
A. No. While the self hypnosis sessions are very powerful, they are there as support for the information that you’re going to learn throughout the program about how to control your behaviors, habits, and thoughts. When you can do this, two things happen. One you’ll stop the negative suggestions and programming you’ve been doing to yourself, and two you’ll begin reprogramming your mind in a positive way, so that you automatically begin eating better, exercising more, and creating the exact body you desire.
Q. What do I get with this program?
A. I studied over 100 people who had lost weight and kept it off for over 2 years. What I found was that these people were not dieting. They had changed their habits, thoughts, and behaviors so completely that their weight remained right where they wanted it, naturally, not through willpower and deprivation. So, I used that approach successfully on myself and the clients I worked with, and ultimately put all of it into this program.