Discover the “Mindset Method” to Mastering Your Weight

My methodology is proven, simple, home-based, and will not waste your valuable time. You will learn to think, act and respond like a naturally thin person.

A Revolutionary, Real Answer
To Transforming Your Body

This method focuses on making PERMANENT changes in the way your brain perceives food and how it makes decisions related to food and your health.

You're going to bypass your conscious and reprogram your subconscious mind to crave natural foods, think like a thin person and get addicted to your new healthy habits so the weight melts off and stays off.

How Would You Feel?

Take a moment and imagine how your life would be different if you woke up tomorrow at your ideal weight.

Would you feel happier? More excited? Would life be a lot more fun?

Let's turn this dream into a reality.

A New Approach

If you've failed to lose weight with the traditional methods you're not alone.

Diets have a 95% failure rate. 

This approach is different. It's your fast-track education in the psychology and strategies of people who successfully lost weight and kept it off for at least two years. 

Get The Support You Need

Stop trying to do this by yourself. It's been shown... time and time again... that losing fat and achieving a healthy body weight is something most people can't do alone. So don't feel ashamed that you've tried losing weight on your own and haven't succeeded. 

Let me be your support system.

Reprogram Your Mind To Lose Weight

You know what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. You know you should exercise more, but you struggle to get yourself to do it.

When you can program your mind, the weight loss process becomes automatic and enjoyable because instead of fighting against cravings, you’re unplugging them. This is one ability alone will transform your body.

You Can Do This

Why There's Still Hope

If you have failed to lose weight with the traditional methods, this proven step-by-step training will help you.

You'll discover powerful mind-based techniques that give you the ability to return to your ideal weight and stay there.

When you can control your mind, you can control your weight.

Why Willpower Doesn't Work

Willpower is a limited resource... you have to fight and struggle to muster up enough of it to stick with a diet and exercise program.

But as you already know... sooner or later... you'll run out.

Rather than relying on willpower, you can program in new cravings, behaviors and habits that make you thin.

Why Your Thoughts Are The Key

THE single most important part of achieving success in getting the body you want starts in your mind... so that you actually crave the foods and habits that you KNOW are good for you.

Just imagine being able to program your mind so that you crave fruits, vegetables, salads, and other healthy foods.

Imagine yourself able to reprogram your thoughts to THINK LIKE A THIN PERSON!


Where Will You Be One Year From Now?

Stop looking for shortcuts and quick fixes. Commit yourself to mastering this area of your life.
You can do this.
Imagine how incredible it would feel to be free of the weight. Not just physically. But mentally and emotionally as well.

To never have to think about it ever again.
To look in the mirror and be excited to show off how good you look.
To have the energy to play with your kids or grandkids.
To feel proud of yourself.
This is your chance to make it happen.

About the creator of Program Yourself Thin

I'm Jim Katsoulis

My name is Jim Katsoulis. I'm a Master Hypnotist, who has spent the last 16 years helping people to lose weight by reprogramming their minds. 

I've successfully helped thousands of clients master their weight and achieve the slim, healthy body they've always wanted. 

And I believe I can help you too.


Check what our clients say about us

“I've dropped over 50 pounds and it's like it just happened automatically”

“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 50 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically

Peter Putnam

-Walpole, nh

“I had struggled with weight my whole life...”

I had struggled my whole life with weight. And for the first time I can say that I feel in control, not in a stressful willpower way, but in a natural way. And with this new approach I've lost 23 pounds!

Nick Livingston


“I don't feel any deprivation at all...”

"I'm down 17.5 pounds since I started your program. The ongoing support is very helpful. 
I don't feel any deprivation at all because I don't need to keep myself on a strict diet."

Sara Williams

-Blue Springs, mo

“I've never fel so much confidence in my body before.”

"I had trouble believing I could be thin and confident, but I could. And once I began feeling good about myself the weight came off easily and stayed off. 26 Pounds of it!"

Mike Blanchard

-Columbia, mD

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