Get your FREE custom self hypnosis session and start losing weight without the struggle...
Kickstart Your Weight Loss Now!
- Re-Set Your "Internal Fat Thermostat" to return you to the exact weight you desire
- Condition yourself to DESPISE fattening foods and create intense cravings for foods that keep you slim, strong and healthy
- ELIMINATE hidden subconscious fears that have sabotaged your weight loss efforts in the past

Sit back, relax and reprogram your mind to think and act like a naturally thin person...

"This session kickstarted my 35 pound weight loss. I'd tried everything before and nothing worked. This was the first thing that ever helped me STAY MOTIVATED. I can't believe how different I felt after just 20 minutes. Thank you again for the great session."
Susan Tercotte, Bristol, Connecticut

"I've never felt so much confidence in my body. I had trouble believing I could be fat and confident, but I could. And once I began feeling good about myself the weight came off easily and stayed off. 26 pounds of it! Your approach to change is amazing because it's so easy and it's so effective.
Mike Blanchard, Columbia, Maryland
There is a Better Way...
Take Control of Your Weight for Good
Your weight is a reflection of thinking. And once you begin using the simple strategies of the Program
Yourself Thin Method to change your thinking, weight loss becomes automatic and enjoyable.
At this point you probably assume weight loss has to be an unpleasant experience, but it doesn’t. It can be an exciting and fun journey.
Most diets are just focused on managing calories, but it’s just as important to manage your emotions, motivation and habits.
If you’ve tried every diet, then it’s time for you to do something different. Diets have a 95% failure rate. The problem isn’t you, it’s the diets.
Change your self image. You are more than your weight. When you think of yourself differently, you will act differently.
No Pain, No Gain is for professional athletes. When you lose weight from the “inside-out”, it’s easy and natural.
Self doubt is your biggest obstacle. Once it is dealt with, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you return to your natural weight.

My Clients Say it Best

I was at a point where I didn't know what to do, I had tried all the diets and nothing was working. I feel like I'm free, I had never realized how much food was controlling my life. I am grateful to have found this course and taken action. Being thin is one of the most exciting adventures I've ever been on.

I've struggled my whole life with weight. And for the first time I can say that I feel in control, not in a stressful willpower way, but in a natural way. And with this new approach I've lost 23 pounds! Thank you, Jim, your program really works.