
Bouncing Back from Bad Eating Days | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 315

Bouncing back from bad eating days is an essential skill in the journey to a healthier lifestyle. Recognize that these slip-ups are a normal part of the process. Managing expectations and changing your response to setbacks are key steps in maintaining long-term commitment. Instead of feeling defeated, use these moments as learning opportunities to better […]


Losing Weight and Feeling Good | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 314

Losing weight and feeling good are deeply interconnected; sustaining motivation long-term is unlikely if you feel miserable throughout the process. It’s crucial to cultivate a mindset that values patience and views weight mastery as a journey rather than a quick fix. This approach helps maintain a positive outlook and a sense of accomplishment, which are […]


Commercials and Weight Loss | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 313

Food commercials are like mini hypnosis sessions, subtly appealing to your emotions and subconscious desires through repeated exposure. These ads are crafted to trigger cravings and influence your eating habits, often promoting less healthy food choices that can derail weight loss efforts. To counteract this, a proactive strategy is to reduce exposure to these commercials […]


Willpower vs Routine | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 312

Willpower is a finite resource that can deplete throughout the day, making consistent healthy choices challenging. In contrast, routines and rituals conserve mental energy by automating behaviors, reducing the need for constant decision-making. By strategically creating routines around healthy eating, exercise, and sleep, you minimize reliance on willpower. For example, prepping meals ahead of time […]


Practicing Being Thin & Healthy | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 311

Practicing being thin and healthy starts with programming your mind. It’s about envisioning and embodying the persona of the person you aspire to be. Imagine how you would think, what choices you would make, and how you would act if you were already at your goal. Would you choose different foods? Engage in different activities? […]


How Weight Loss Affects Your Relationships | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 310

Weight loss can significantly impact your relationships, as changes in eating habits might affect social interactions centered around food, like dinners and happy hours. Friends and loved ones might feel uneasy as your choices shift, potentially affecting rapport. Recognizing these impacts is crucial; open communication about your goals and the reasons behind your choices can […]


The Financial Cost Of The Weight | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 309

The financial cost of maintaining a diet heavy in processed, fast, and junk foods is more significant than many realize. Not only are the prices of these foods increasing, but they are also engineered to encourage overconsumption, leading to a cycle of continuous spending on items that contribute little to nutritional needs. In contrast, whole […]


You Don’t Know How To Eat For Pleasure | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 308

Eating for pleasure isn’t quite what you might have thought; it’s more about quality than quantity. True enjoyment comes from savoring highly pleasurable foods fully, rather than overindulging and triggering a cycle of self-doubt. Imagine eating at your goal weight: Do you envision yourself overeating, or savoring just enough of what you truly love? This […]


Snapping Out Of Your Diet Trance | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 307

Snapping out of your diet trance means shifting away from the dieter’s mindset, which often hypnotizes you into a cycle of temporary fixes and restrictive eating patterns. This trance focuses on short-term losses and rigid diets, losing sight of sustainable health. To break free, stop thinking like a dieter and start focusing on mastering your […]


How To Control Your Eating | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 306

Controlling your eating starts with understanding how different foods affect your body and distinguishing between fuel and entertainment foods. Fuel foods nourish and energize you, while entertainment foods are often indulged in for taste or comfort rather than nutritional value. Create a personal strategy that focuses on building up healthy, nourishing habits, integrating more fuel […]