
Program Yourself Thin Live | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 379

Today’s podcast takes a unique turn—there’s no formal lesson. Instead, we’re embracing the flow of life and acknowledging that sometimes, taking a step back is just as important as forging ahead. This pause gives us a chance to reflect on past discussions and consolidate our learnings. It’s a reminder that progress isn’t always about constant […]


What To Do When You Have No Motivation To Lose Weight | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 378

When you find yourself lacking motivation to lose weight, the key is to show up consistently, even if you’re not at 100%. It’s about embracing the “all or something” philosophy rather than “all or nothing.” Set up multiple plans—Plan A, B, and C—so you have options depending on your energy and mood. Maybe Plan A […]


How Committed Are You To Losing Weight? | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 377

How committed are you to losing weight? Consider this: if you weren’t seeing immediate results, how long would you persist in adjusting and refining your strategies? True commitment isn’t just about sticking to a plan when progress is visible—it’s about maintaining determination even during plateaus. Reframe your mindset from a short-term effort to a long-term […]


Facing The Denial About Your Weight | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 376

Facing denial about your weight involves a process of relaxation and honest self-reflection. Start by acknowledging your physical state without judgment. Recognize how your current weight affects your health, mobility, and daily comfort. Reflect on your thoughts and attitudes towards yourself; are they supportive or critical? Consider the emotional effects as well—does your weight contribute […]


The Biggest Reason You Don’t Want To Lose Weight | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 375

The biggest reason you might hesitate to lose weight is the fear that it will be too difficult. You worry about the hardship of change, eating fewer calories, and missing out on your favorite foods. But what if you shifted your perspective? Instead of seeing weight loss as deprivation, start living as if you are […]


Are You Smart Enough To Lose Weight? | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 374

Are you smart enough to lose weight? It’s not just about intellect; it’s about willingness to embrace a new approach. Instead of jumping from one diet to another, what if you focused on mastering your weight—living comfortably at your goal weight as if on autopilot for the rest of your life? This means breaking the […]


Do You Want To Lose Weight Or Live At Your Goal Weight? | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 373

When you think about weight loss, what’s really your goal? Are you looking to drop pounds fast or do you want to settle into your goal weight and stay there comfortably? These are two very different paths. Going the fast route often means drastic measures—like intense dieting or all-out exercise binges—that can be hard to […]


Better Reasons To Lose Weight | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 372

Finding intrinsic reasons to lose weight goes beyond the superficial desire to look better; it involves discovering deeper, more meaningful motivations tied to your overall quality of life. Consider the functional benefits: improved mobility, easier breathing, and increased energy for daily activities. Emotionally, weight loss can lead to enhanced self-esteem and reduced anxiety or depression, […]


You Don’t Need A New Diet, You Need A New Mindset | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 371

The key to successful weight loss isn’t finding a new diet; it’s adopting a new mindset. Instead of cycling through endless diets, focus on changing how you think about food and exercise. This involves shifting from a short-term, restriction-based mindset to one that embraces sustainable, healthy lifestyle changes. Consider food as nourishment rather than something […]


Wanting To Look Better Isn’t Enough | Program Yourself Thin Podcast – Episode 370

While wanting to look better is a common motivator for weight loss, it’s often not enough to sustain long-term change because it’s extrinsically driven. Extrinsic motivations can provide initial impetus, but they rarely offer the enduring commitment needed for lasting health improvements. Instead, find intrinsic motivations—personal desires to feel better physically and mentally, increase energy […]