How To Get The Body You’ve Always Wanted

Although we’ve never met, I feel connected to you because I understand the struggle of weight loss and I want to help you lose weight, but more importantly feel better than you have in years, maybe even ever.
When you learn how to program your mind so that you crave healthy foods and exercise everyday… weight loss becomes automatic and enjoyable. You could drop 5, 10, 20 pounds permanently all on auto-pilot… no dieting, no pills, no deprivation. You can enjoy a level of confidence and self esteem that you never dreamed possible.
This is your chance to finally have the body that you have always wanted.
To experience the kind of confidence that comes with a body that’s lean and attractive.
To be able to wear clothes that make you look and feel incredible.
To feel the excitement of stepping on the scale and seeing you’ve lost more and more weight.[/text_block]

Let me show you how to take control of your mind so that you can finally enjoy the body you’ve always dreamed of (without any dieting or extreme exercising).

How To Get The Body You Want,
Without Strict Diets Or A Ton Of Exercise…

You could drop 5, 10, 20 pounds permanently all on auto-pilot… no dieting, no pills, no deprivation.
You can enjoy a level of confidence and self esteem that you never dreamed possible.
This is your chance to finally have the body that you have always wanted.
To experience the kind of confidence that comes with a body that’s lean and attractive. To be able to wear clothes that make you look and feel incredible.
To feel the excitement of stepping on the scale and seeing you’ve lost more and more weight.[/text_block]

Why You Must Stop Excessive Dieting
and Strenuous Exercising…

You know how when you try to paddle a boat against the river current… you don’t get anywhere… right?
Well, that’s what strict dieting and rigorous exercise is like… paddling against the current. Because you get nowhere.
But when you turn the boat around and go WITH the current… you can go as far as you want. And you can do it a lot easier.
So if you’re not losing the weight you want… it’s because you’re going against the current… trying too hard at the WRONG things.
And I’m going to show you how to go WITH the current and make weight loss happen quickly and easily… and without strenous exercise or deprived dieting.
In fact, if you change just one single thing (I’ll show you what, in a minute)… you can lose 20, 30, even 40 pounds…
And continue losing all the weight you want.
Now, I completely understand if you’re skeptical. I would be too, with all the weight loss scams and fad diets everywhere online.
That’s why you need specific, detailed proof that my techniques can deliver on the promises they make.
Since I’ve already proven my techniques work… with thousands of my clients… you’re going to see some of their stories right below.
Believe me… this is different from ANYTHING else you’ve ever seen or tried. It’s not a diet, pill, potion, or shake. It’s not a supplement, ebook, or workout routine.
It’s a proven process… a system.
And it’s different because IT WORKS PERMANENTLY, unlike all the other scams, pills, and fad diets you’ve tried.

It’s Not Your Fault
(Unless You Ignore This)

Need Proof?
We’re now spending billions on diets, health clubs, supplements, prescription drugs and surgery… and none of it is working.
Obesity is now our number 1 health threat. Over 323,000 people die each year because of it.
Not only that… being overweight is leading to heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis and other MAJOR health problems.
So what does work?
Long term weight loss will work if you FIRST change how you THINK about food.
Because the reality is… how you THINK… at any given moment… leads to how you FEEL.
And how you FEEL leads to how you EAT (how do you eat when your’e depressed).
When you know how to influence your thoughts, feelings and behaviors it will finally help you to lose weight… when all else has failed you.[/text_block]

Finally A Real Solution For You
The PYT Weekly Training & Support Program

This program is the result of my 15-years experience helping people lose weight. And it’s the personal, weekly support that you need to help you succeed as well.
It truly is your fast-track education in psychology and weight loss… COMBINED with personalized, one-on-one training with step-by-step techniques for overcoming food cravings and self-doubt.
Finally… you’ll have a fail-safe way to lose weight, without experiencing all the resistance, ups and downs, and food cravings… so you can lose weight without restrictive diets or strenuous exercise.
Every week you’re going to receive a video coaching lesson from me to help you create your dream body in the shortest time possible.
Better yet… these tactics are way more powerful than stuff you’d learn at Weight Watchers… AND you get to learn all of it from the comfort of your own home!
You don’t have to leave your house and go to some 2-hour meeting.
Instead, you’ll have me, each and every week, showing you the cutting edge mental training techniques you can use to get the body of your dreams.
And you’re going to get ONGOING weekly support to make sure you stay on track.
Even though I’m going to give you exact specifics of the program below… I want to share a few of the topics we’ll cover each month…
- How To Control Your Appetite Naturally
- The Most Effective Strategies for Permanently Following Your Plan
- How Other People Lost Weight… And How You Can Learn From Them
- Dieting Myths Revealed… and Then Destroyed
- Quick, Easy, and Delicious Fat Burning Recipes
- How To Eat Well Around Family and Friends During Get-Togethers
- Creating a “Health Trance”
- How To Permanently Eliminate Cravings
- Making Money with Your Weight Loss
- Little-Known Ingredients that Burn Fat
- Proven Techniques for Instantly Reducing Stress
- Creating Fat Burning Workouts
With my weekly Program Yourself Thin Training and Support Program… you’re going to finally discover how you can lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF… once and for all![/text_block]

No More Meetings
Weekly weight loss meetings are great for keeping you focused and on track, but they’re time consuming and usually turn into complaining/gossip sessions. With this program you can access each week’s lesson online and get the training and support you need to lose the weight permanently.
Fix The Core Problem
Another diet is not the answer. The truth is that all weight issues exist with your thinking. It’s important for you to realize that before any positive change can happen in your life… it first has to happen with your thoughts.
Program Yourself Thin
Using my Program Yourself Thin system you can program healthy habits and behaviors into your subconscious so you’ll no longer crave bad, unhealthy foods. Instead… you’ll crave good, healthy foods.
That’s all it is. You’re much more likely to have healthy habits and behaviors programmed into your subconscious when you’re at ease. And as a result, you’ll lose weight faster and have more self-confidence than you’ve ever dreamed of.

When You Join This One Of A Kind Program
Every Week You’ll Receive The Following…

Weekly Training & Support Lessons…

Here Is A Sample Of The Lessons You’ll Receive

- How to Crave Healthy Foods
- Transforming Your 3 Worst Habits
- Creating A Successful Weight Control Plan
- Losing Weight Without Dieting
- How To Master Your Appetite
- Secrets of Social Eating Success
- Eliminating Emotional Eating

- How To Feel Good About Yourself
- Simple Secrets For Boosting Your Metabolism
- Replacing Bad Cravings Naturally
- How To Love Exercising
- Getting The Support You Need
- Questions That Make You Thin
- How To Defend Yourself From Advertisers

You’ll Also Get Instant Access To
All Of These Weight Loss Tools…

Special Bonus:
The First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan
The First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan

Start Losing Weight Right Now
(Without Dieting)
I’m going to show you a complete lifestyle plan for creating the body you want. If you want to lose weight (and keep it off) you need to learn the 8 components of a “thin” lifestyle. I’m going to teach them to you in this program.
Experience More Energy And Vitality
There are simple ways to become healthy. I believe the main reason people struggle to lose weight is because they make it too hard to succeed. You’re going to discover the simple ways to naturally take control of your weight once and for all.
It’s About More Than Food
You want to lose weight to feel better but your happiness is not just a physical measurement. You also need to do things that nurture your emotional, psychological and spiritual health and happiness. When you do this you’ll find yourself wanting to make healthy choices.
Maintain Your Success Effortlessly
Wouldn’t it be nice to never have to worry about your weight or food again? To do that you need to create a new lifestyle that maintains your weight. Dieting is not a lifestyle, it’s a band-aid. When you do that maintaining your weight becomes automatic.

Regular Price: $67/month
Lock in Today’s Special Offer at just $10
No Contract – Cancel any Time – Billed Monthly

I’ll Be With You Every Step Of The Way…

So don’t feel ashamed that you’ve tried losing weight on your own and haven’t succeeded.
I refuse to let you fail.
And here’s why I know you can do this: What’s worked for others who have successfully lost 20, 30, even 200 lbs… can also work for YOU.[/text_block]

It’s what you do after you make the mistake that dictates whether you succeed or fail. And having this program keeping you on track and focused is going to make all the difference in the world.[/text_block]

Achieve Almost Effortless Weight Loss

Just listen and let these techniques guide you to the greatest possible change in the least amount of time!
This truly is the MISSING PIECE to the puzzle!
If you’ve already tried the diet and exercise route… but you weren’t successful… you now know why!
You’re going to change the way you think… the way you eat… and the way you look!
By following my program… thousands of women and men have LEARNED NEW EATING HABITS.
They literally retrained their minds and their habits!
They destroyed fat-causing food patterns that had kept them overweight for years.
They did it and you can do it too!
And once you’ve done it, it will be practically impossible for you to eat in the same old way you’re eating today!
The choice is now yours.
You’ve tried the fad diets and miracle diets. You may have lost some weight. But you have gained it right back again![/text_block]

What Makes This Different
From Anything Else You’ve Tried..

The real magic with this program is the weekly personal support and hand-holding you get… all from the comfort of your home.
With this personal accountability, I refuse to let you fail again.
The training will involve weekly video lessons and 24/7 access to the self hypnosis, ebook and expert interview library.
You’re going to have all the accountability that you’d get from a Weight Watchers… but this is going to be focusing on creating a PERMANENT change.
The problem with Weight Watchers is… it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. They try and change your habits… without changing your thoughts.
As a result, you have to rely on willpower. Who wants a life of counting points?
With my program… I’ll give you WEEKLY ongoing support and effective mental and physical strategies for losing weight. We’ll get to the root of the problem… how you think about food.
And when we bypass your conscious and reprogram your subconscious mind to crave healthy foods forever, the weight will start to melt off fast.

I’m So Confident This Program Will Help You
That I Guarantee It…

After seeing so many men and women finally lose the weight they wanted… I’m confident you’ll get similar results as well.
But since you don’t know me personally, you may have some doubts whether this system can live up to my claims. And I completely understand that.
So please, let me take all the risk. Test this program out at my expense!
I’m confident you’ll be thrilled with your results from using it. But you really have no way of knowing that yet, so I want to eliminate all worry for you…
Get this program now and use my proven techniques.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Absolutely no questions asked. Period. That’s more than a guarantee, that’s a personal promise.
I guess what I’m saying is, don’t decide now if this is for you.
Just get it and try it out.
If it doesn’t do everything I say… if you don’t lose weight faster… if you don’t stop craving unhealthy foods, if you’re not eating better and healthier… if you don’t feel like your life has totally changed for the better… just email me and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price. Quickly and easily.[/text_block]

Regular Price: $67/month
Lock in Today’s Special Offer at just $10
No Contract – Cancel any Time – Billed Monthly

People Love This Program Because It Is So
Effective And Simple to Use And So Will You…

“It’s Like It Just Happened Automatically…”
“I’ve tried every diet program out there. The few times I got good results it didn’t last and I would be right back to my original weight. After working with Jim I have dropped over 50 pounds, but the amazing thing was how easy it was. It’s like it just happened automatically[/text_block]

Caryn Simpson, Arlington, VA
“It’s not about the food, it’s about what’s going on in your head. Jim’s program get’s to the core of what it really takes to change, it has helped me so much.“

- Weekly video training lesson teaching you the most powerful mental techniques for getting great results
- Complete access to self hypnosis library so you can program yourself to automatically think, act and respond like a thin person
- Learn from top trainers and nutritionists the best strategies for losing weight
- Complete access to the Health and Fitness Ebook library

- First Five Pounds Fast Action Plan
- New Body Design Workshop

Have A Question…? Here Are Some Answers…

Q.What do I get with this program?
A.Each week you’re going to receive a 5-10 minute video training (with mp3 and pdf version included) that is going to teach you a powerful technique for programming your mind to help you lose weight.
Lessons will cover everything you need to take control of your body once and for all.
Each Sunday night you’ll receive your new lesson and will have access to it in the members area where you can watch and rewatch as often as you like.
As a member of the program you’ll also get access to monthly expert trainings and 24/7 access to the Ebook and Self Hypnosis Session Library
Q.Can I cancel at any time?
A.Yes. You can cancel at any time for any reason, there is no long term contract or fees.
However you’re allowed to remain in the program for as long as you find it useful.
Many members remain in the program even after their weight loss goals have been achieved because it keeps them focused and they’re always learning new tools they can use to effortlessly maintain their results.
Q.How is Program Yourself Thin different from all the other diet programs that are out there?
A.Program Yourself Thin is different because it is not a diet. Diet’s are temporary, and the one thing I saw over and over again with people who successfully reduced their weight long term, is that they didn’t diet, they changed the way they thought, felt, and responded to food and exercise. This program is specifically designed to get you to think, act, and respond like a thin person.
Q.Is this program just going to hypnotize me to change?
A.No. While the self hypnosis sessions are very powerful, they are there as support for the information that you’re going to learn throughout the program about how to control your behaviors, habits, and thoughts. When you can do this, two things happen. One you’ll stop the negative suggestions and programming you’ve been doing to yourself, and two you’ll begin reprogramming your mind in a positive way, so that you automatically begin eating better, exercising more, and creating the exact body you desire.
Q.9. How quickly will I experience results from this program?
A.How quickly do you want to see results? There are a lot of factors at work here. First, and foremost, there’s your motivation level. If you’re “trying” to lose weight because your spouse has put you up to it, you’re not really all that motivated yourself? My advice there: just quit wasting your time and money and be honest. There’s no such thing as “trying to lose weight.” You’re either ready to transform your body or you’re not. If your motivation level is high, you’ll likely experience results very quickly. Your success will mirror the action that you take. If you master the information in this program you’ll find mastering your body easier than you ever thought possible.
Q.How did you develop this program?
A.I studied over 100 people who had lost weight and kept it off for over 2 years. What I found was that these people were not dieting. They had changed their habits, thoughts, and behaviors so completely that their weight remained right where they wanted it, naturally, not through willpower and deprivation. So, I used that approach successfully on myself and the clients I worked with, and ultimately put all of it into this program.